FIP and Giugiaro Design have designed and developed VE
Easyfit, the innovative true union gear ball valve introducing
an advanced method of installation for a long trouble free
Size range from DN10 up to DN50
Jointing by solvent welding or threaded connections Maximum
working pressure: 16 bar at 20 ;
New patented Easyfit system: based on the principle of the
bevel gear pair has been applied to design the mechanism
that controls the rotation of the union nuts during the valve
The use of the Easyfit multifunctional handle is the best solution
to carry out maintenence operations in narrow spaces with
limited access to the valve location.
Easy removal of the valve body from the system,allowing
quick replacement of O-rings and ball seats without additional
Compact design with true union installation dimensions
according to EN 1452 short . Fully interchangeable with
the previous
FIP ball valves VE series
In the closed position the pipeline can be disconnected
downstream from the valve without leakage
Safe locked carrier with adjustment of ball seal
Block with adjustment of ball seal
Easyfit hergonomic multifunctional handle with union nut
rotation control and ball seat carrier adjustment wrench
FIP U-PVC is suitable for conveying foodstuffs and drinking
water and meets the necessary standards and regulations
For more information please visit our website:Compact design with true union installation dimensions
according to EN 1452 short . Fully interchangeable with
the previous
FIP ball valves VE series
In the closed position the pipeline can be disconnected
downstream from the valve without leakage
Safe locked carrier with adjustment of ball seal
德國VATTEN閥門公司成立于2005年,總部位于德國薩爾州,為了企業得到更好的發展,2010年法登將工廠整體搬遷**國。德國保留公司銷售及售后業務,隨后法登成立上海法登閥i門有限公司,同年將產品的組裝和測試生產線遷址上海,銷售及售后服務也陸續移交上海法登。2010年, 上海法登閥門有限公司成立, 注冊資金500萬,公司現有員工182人,其中技術工程師18人,售后工程師12人,長期服務于各大中小城市。法登閥i門擁有三個閥門生產基地,球閥生產基地位于廣東,蝶閥生產基地位于河北,執行器廠區和裝配車間在上海。為了更好的提升產品質量法登閥門全部生產磨具以及密封原件均采用德國進口,上海工廠 占地面積10000mf,擁有數控機床50臺,檢測設備15臺,年生產執行器達到50多萬臺,其中用于出口10萬臺,長期為各大閥門公司提供OEM服務。法登閥門年生產蝶閥8萬臺,球閥10萬臺。年銷額6000多萬。電動執行器,氣動/電動球閥,蝶閥,氣動刀閘閥,氣動調節閥等產品廣泛應用于紡織,電站,石油化工,供熱制冷,制藥,船舶,冶金,輕工,環保等領域。特別是在排水、環保、船舶、水處理等具有很高的*度。鄂爾多斯電廠,鄂爾多斯污水處理廠,江門億都半導體有限公司,江蘇恒立液壓鑄造污水處理廠,金歡線業污水處理公司,京奕集團,沙灣水利發電站,上海冠生園食品有限公司,良機,綠箭,尚德太陽能電力有限公司,紹興污水處理廠,長嶺煉油化工有限公司美國GE水處理公司,兩面針集團,NEC集團,富士康集團,贏創工業,伊利集團,德國大眾,寶鋼集團等工程遍及中國600多個大小城市,涉及3900多個用戶。憑借完善的企業管理體系和產品質量管理體系,上海法登順利通過 了CE認證、衛生級3A認證、IS09001質量管理體系認證、ISO14001環境管理體系認證等一系列國內外認證。
意大利進口塑料球閥,VEE-VXE型兩通UPVC球閥 產品信息