



  • 公司名稱世聯博研(北京)科技有限公司
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  • 所  在  地
  • 廠商性質經銷商
  • 更新時間2023/7/27 22:17:56
  • 訪問次數484

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世聯博研(北京)科技有限公司(Bio Excellence International Tech Co.,Ltd)簡稱為世聯博研。世聯博研是一家集進口科研儀器代理銷售以及實驗技術服務于一體的高新技術公司。世聯博研專注生物力學和3D生物打印前沿科研設備代理銷售及科研實驗項目合作服務,內容涵蓋了血管力學生物學、生物力學建模仿真與應用、細胞分子生物力學、組織修復生物力學、骨與關節生物力學、口腔力學生物學、眼耳鼻咽喉生物力學、康復工程生物力學、生物材料力學與仿生學、人體運動生物力學等生物力學研究以及生物材料打印、打印樣品生物力學性能測試分析的前沿領域科研利器和科研服務。

cellix剪切力作用芯片 產品信息
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Cell Adhesion & Cell Culture under Flow, Transmigration, Droplet Generation and Microfluidics Studies


Cell-Ligand / Cell-Protein adhesion 
Under shear flow
Disposable biochip
Cell adhesion, rolling assays on ligand/protein coated channels
Ideal for platelet aggregation & thrombosis assays.

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Cell culture &cell-cell adhesion
Under shear flow
Disposable biochip
Cell culture of endothelial cell monolayers in microchannel flow chambers
Cell-cell adhesion shear flow assays


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Cell-Ligand &cell-cell adhesion
Under shear flow
Disposable biochip
Flexibility with glass coverslip supplied unattached.
Glass coverslips may be treated with chelated Cu2+ ion tethered to the high density PEG-coating
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Branching Y-junction at input port
Mimic branching microvascular networks
Chemotaxis assays, dual flow, multilaminar flow & diffusion

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VenaDelta Y2 Branching Y-junction
at input & exit ports
Mimic branching microvascular networks
Chemotaxis assays, dual flow, multilaminar flow & diffusion

Chemotaxis, Transmigration, Invasion Assays
Under shear flow
Cell adhesion and transmigration under shear flow
Transmigration through microporous membrane into underlying microwell which may contain chemoattractant

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Droplet Generation
Under shear flow
3 Droplet Generators & 1 splitter
High-throughput generation of microdroplets and monodispersed oils/emulsions


DropChips are fabricated from plastic (acrylic) and have a footprint of 40mm x 50mm (W x L).

DropChips are available with channels pre-treated as hydrophobic or hydrophilic:

  • Hydrophobic to achieve water-in-oil droplets.

  • Hydrophilic to achieve oil-in-water droplets.


DropChips are available in packs of 2, 5 or 10.

Hydrophobic channels:

Water-in-oil droplet generation

Hydrophilic channels:

Oil-in-water droplet generation

As illustrated in the schematic below, each DropChip contains:

  • 1 x Flow Splitter and

  • 3 x Droplet Generator junctions:

    • 2 x Flow-Focusing junctions, single-injection dispersed phase

    • 1 x Flow Focusing junction with dual-injection dispersed phase

This gives the user flexibility for experiments in flow focusing with single and dual-injection of dispersed phase.

Examples are illustrated in the images below.

DropChip Flow focusing junction

DropChip Flow focusing junction

DropChip Schematic

DropChip Schematic

3 Flow Focusing Droplet Generator junctions & 1 Flow Splitter

Droplet Frequency
Droplet Size


Technical Note DropChip.pdf
DropChip Tech Note
Brochure_Droplet Generation Kit.pdf
Droplet Generation Kit Brochure

Droplet Frequency

The creation of uniform, mono-dispersed  stable droplets is achieved with microfluidic syringe pumps such as Cellix's ExiGo pump or microfluidic pressure pumps such as Cellix's UniGo or 4U pumps.  Cellix's team conducted 3D scattering measurements to confirm frequency of droplets which can be achieved at defined flow rates as illustrated in the images and frequency graph below.  If you have a specific frequency you want to achieve, contact us for more help.

Droplet Frequency in DropChip  with channel dimensions 70um x 70um

Droplet Size

There are a variety of different droplet sizes possible and one of the biggest influencing factors of droplet size is the geometry and size of the channel dimensions.  Cellix's team conducted 3D scattering measurements to confirm size and volume of droplets which can be achieved with the two different types of droplet generator contained in the DropChip.  Schematics for each of the droplet generators available on Cellix's Dropchip are illustrated below and the following table provides a summary of the droplet sizes (diameter and volume) which may be achieved depending on the DropChip dimensions.

Table_Droplet Sizes_DG1 and DG3.jpg
Droplet Generator 1 and 3_Flow Focusing.

Droplet Generator junction 1 & 3 (DG1 and DG3):

Flow Focusing, single injection of dispersed phase

Droplet Generator 2_Co-flow Focusing.jpg

Droplet Generator junction 2 (DG2):

Flow Focusing, dual injection of dispersed phase

Table_Droplet Sizes_DG2.jpg
Table_DropChip_Flow Splitter Dimensions.
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Droplet Generation for a wide variety of applications:

  • Cell / Protein encapsulation and sorting on-chip, see example below.

  • DNA sequencing for target selection / enrichment.

  • Sample / reagent mixing and control of reactions on-chip

  • DNA amplification

  • Biomolecule synthesis

  • Diagnostic chips

  • Drug discovery

For more details on experimental set-ups, visit our Droplet Generation page.


Cell (or particle) double encapsulation:

The image below illustrates droplets containing cells, enclosed within a shell of oil.  The following is an example of the experimental set-up to achieve double encapsulation.

Experimental Set-up

  • 3 x ExiGo pumps

  • 3 x Flow Sensors

  • 1 x DropChip (50um x 50um) coated with DropCoat (reagent ensuring hydrophobicity)

  • 1 x DropChip (80um x 80um) uncoated, hydrophilic walls

Table_Cell double encapsulation example.
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