


SEI Inspector Xtreme USB /堅固耐用數字核輻射測量儀 - a ? y x

  • 公司名稱上海時濱電子科技有限公司
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  • 更新時間2023/6/8 17:04:01
  • 訪問次數188

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SEI Inspector Xtreme USB / Ruggedized Digiltal Radiation Survey Meter - a ? y x\nSEI Inspector Xtreme USB /堅固耐用數字核輻射測量儀 - a ? y x
SEI Inspector Xtreme USB /堅固耐用數字核輻射測量儀 - a ? y x 產品信息

SEI Inspector Xtreme USB / Ruggedized Digiltal Radiation Survey Meter - a ? y x

SEI Inspector Xtreme USB /堅固耐用數字核輻射測量儀 - a ? y x

Now with USB and the free Observer USB Software, you can download your data from the internal memory, set computer alarms, and calibrate your instrument! The Inspector Xtreme USB offers maximum performance in a lightweight, rugged solution for using your survey meter in the field. The Inspector Xtreme USB is designed specifically for individuals operating in tough environments, such as 1st Responders, miners, and HAZMAT crews. The unit is a small, handheld, microprocessor-based instrument which offers excellent sensitivity to low levels of alpha, beta, gamma, and x-rays. The digital readout is displayed with a red count light and a beeper sounds with each count detected. Other features include an adjustable timer, external calibration controls, and selectable alert.


Internal Halogen-quenched, uncompensated GM tube with thin mica window, 1.4-2.0 mg/cm2 areal density. Effective diameter of window is 45 mm (1.77 in.). Radiation symbol on front label and end panel marks the center of the detector.

Operating Range

mR/hr - .001 (1µR) to 100

CPM - 0 to 350,000

µSv/hr - .01 to 1000

CPS - 0 to 5000

Total Counts- 1 to 9,999,000 counts

Accuracy (Referenced to Cs137)

Typically ±15% from factory, ±10% with NIST Source Calibration

Energy Sensitivity

Detects Alpha down to 2 MeV. Detects Beta down to .16 MeV; typical detection efficiency at 1 MeV is

approx. 25%. Detects Gamma down to 10 KeV through the detector window. 3340 CPM/mR/hr (137Cs). Smallest detectable level for 125I is .02 µCi at contact.

Built-In Efficiencies

Sulfur (35S), Strontium (90Sr/y), Cesium (137Cs), Phosphorus (32P), Carbon (14C), Iodine (131I), Cobalt (60Co), and Alpha

Selectable Alert Set Range

mR/hr .001 - 50 and CPM 1 - 160,000. 70db @ 1m. Pulsating beeper sounds the alert. Adjustable alert levels are used for mR/hr / CPM, and µSv/hr / CPS. Alarm will sound when in Timer Mode when set alarm threshold is reached.


Meter will hold at OVER RANGE in fields as high as 100 times the maximum reading.

Averaging Periods

Display updates every 3 seconds. At low background levels, the update is the average for the past 30-second time period. The timed period for the average decreases as the radiation level increases.

Energy Response Curve


Backlit 4 digit liquid crystal display with indicators.

Count Light

Red LED flashes with each radiation event.

Audio Indicator

Internally mounted beeper (can be switched off for silent operation)


3.5mm jack for CMOS or TTL devices and counts to computer or datalogger.

USB for use with Free Observer USB Software for PCs

Power Requirements

One 9-volt alkaline battery. Battery life is approx. 1200 hours at normal background. USB-AC Adapter.

Temperature Range

-10oC to 50oC (14oF to 122oF)


454 g (16 oz.) without battery.


150 x 80 x 30 mm (5.9 x 3.1 x 1.2 in.).


Xtreme Boot, Carrying Case, Certification of Conformance, USB Cable, Observer USB Software


Wipe Test Plate, & Stand

Limited Warranty

1 year limited warranty.






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