The MicroSEQ ID 16S rDNA 500 Microbial Library v2019 is for use with MicroSEQ ID Microbial Identification Software v3.0 and v3.1. It contains over 2100 reference 16S rRNA sequences from bacteria. The library entries contain the first 500 bases of the 16S rRNA gene, enough to identify bacterial unknowns. The library is delivered in either digital or USB format.
賽默飛世爾科技賦能科技進步的 我們的使命是幫助客戶使世界更健康、更清潔、更安全。我們幫助客戶加速生命科學領域的研究、解決在分析領域所遇到的復雜問題與挑戰、促進醫療診斷和治療的發展、提高實驗室生產力。
MicroSEQ™ ID 16S rDNA 500 微生物數據庫,2019 版 產品信息