



  • 公司名稱吉林市普銳特科技有限責任公司
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  • 所  在  地吉林市
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  • 更新時間2023/3/26 19:13:06
  • 訪問次數317

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吉林市普銳特科技有限責任公司,位于吉林市*開發區。主要產品有:閃點儀、運動粘度測定儀、開口閃點儀、閉口閃點儀、凝點儀、抗乳化測定儀。公司擁有專門從事多年石化儀器儀表研制工作的科研人員及高品質的員工隊伍,具有雄厚的儀器、儀表制造能力。我公司產品被廣泛應用于石化、電力、鐵路、航空、教育和科研部門,產品自動化程度高,可代替進口產品,加快工作效率,從而減輕了化驗室工作人員的勞動強度。產品的質量和*的自動化技術性能也得到廣大用戶的好評與信賴?!   」?007年研發了新一代的油品分析儀器。其中以智能開口閃點測定儀(執行標準GB/T3536-2008)和智能閉口閃點測定儀(執行標準GB/T261-2008)為代表:這兩種儀器采用彩色液晶顯示器,觸摸式鍵盤,中、英文界面操作菜單有良好的人機界面,對用戶設定的參數有保存記憶功能,可存100項試驗紀錄。自動打印試驗結果并設有232計算機接口,整體儀器外觀小巧、操作簡便、測量準確工作穩定性高、重量輕,很適合現場工作。公司研發的新一代智能凝·傾點測定儀具有彩色液晶顯示器,觸摸式鍵盤、中文操作界面、半導體制冷等技術特點。檢測油品范圍:變壓器油、柴油、各種機油等?!   」窘涍^不斷努力與創新,并有機電一體化和單片機及應用的工程師做后盾力量已逐步形成了以儀器儀表研制、開發、生產、自動化系統集成、計算機及網絡技術應用為主導,集、科、產于一體的高科技企業。    公司重合同、守信譽、求發展。希望我公司產品給您工作帶來便利。Jilin Prius Special Technology Co., Ltd., located in Jilin Hi-tech Development Zone. The main products are: a flash point tester, kinematic viscosity meter, opening flash point tester, closed flash point tester, pour point tester, anti-emulsification tester. The company has specialized in petrochemical instrumentation development work for many years of scientific research personnel and high-quality workforce, a strong instrument, instrument manufacturing capacity. Our products are widely used in petrochemical, electric power, railway, aviation, education and scientific research sector, high degree of automation products, can replace imported products, to accelerate the work efficiency, thereby reducing the labor intensity of laboratory staff. Quality and performance of advanced automation technology products has also been the majority of users praise and trust.The company in 2007 developed a new generation of oil analysis instruments. Among the smart opening flash point tester (the implementation of standards GB / T3536-2008) and Smart Flash Point Tester (Executive Standard GB / T261-2008) represented: Both instruments use color LCD display, touch keyboard, in English operation menu interface have good man-machine interface, the parameters set by the user has to save memory, it can store 100 test records. Automatically print test results and a 232 computer interface, the overall appearance of small, simple operation, high measurement accuracy job stability, light weight, very suitable for field work. The company developed a new generation of intelligent condensate ? pour point tester with color LCD, touch keyboard, Chinese user interface, and other leading semiconductor refrigeration technology features. Oil Detection range: transformer oil, diesel, various oils and the like.The company through continuous efforts and innovation, and mechatronics and microcontroller applications and engineers backed by force has been gradually formed instrumentation research and development, production, automation systems integration, computer and network technology oriented set, Branch, Produced in high-tech enterprises.Company contract and keep credibility, and development. We hope our products bring convenience to your work.
PRRH309型熱處理熱氧化安定性測定儀 產品信息
該熱處理油熱氧化安定性分析器是引進日本*技術生產的,符合SH/T0219標準。在鐵和銅催化劑存在下,通入空氣,測定試驗在氧化前后的運動粘度和殘炭。儀器采用進口不銹鋼磨沙板,設計精美,防腐耐用。采用模糊控制原理和PID自整定技術,控制性能穩定可靠。采用模塊化免維護技術,結構緊湊,壽命長久。作為高精度恒溫浴廣泛適用于多種試驗,是化驗室的試驗儀儀器采用模糊控制原理、專家PID自整定技術以及模塊化免維護結構,控制性能穩定可靠,用戶只需通過儀表設定控溫點溫度,儀器自動實現定點控溫。結構特點儀器采用進口不銹鋼磨沙板,造型美觀、防腐耐用。由上蓋部分、浴缸和控制操作部分組成。 本儀器具有以下特點:一、結構緊湊、造型美觀、操作方便。 二、攪拌軸、漿、浴槽以及殼體均由不銹鋼制成。 三、試驗結束時可以聲光提示信號,提醒化驗員結束試驗。
6. 外形尺寸:650*400*600
7. 重量:10kg器。
PRRH 309heat treatment oil thermal oxidation stability analyzer
The heat treatment oil thermal oxidation stability analyzer is produced by the introduction of advanced technology from Japan to line SH/T0219 standard. Pass into the air, in the presence of iron and copper catalysts, the measurement test in a kinematic viscosity in the oxidation and carbon residue. Instrument adopts imported stainless steel the frosted plates, designed beautifully durable anti-corrosion. Fuzzy control principles and PID self-tuning technology, stable and reliable control performance. Modular maintenance-free technology, compact, long life. As a high-precision thermostatic bath is widely applicable to a variety of tests, preferred laboratory test equipment.
The instrument uses fuzzy control theory, expert PID self-tuning technology, and the modular maintenance-free structure, reliable control performance, users only need to set the temperature of the temperature control point through the instrument, the instrument automatically designated temperature control. The structural characteristics of the instrument using imported stainless steel frosted plate, handsome in appearance, anti-corrosion and durable. Composed of the superstructure part bathtub and control operation part. This instrument has the following characteristics: a compact structure, beautiful shape, easy to operate. Second, the stirring shaft, pulp, bath, and a housing made ​​of stainless steel. Third, the end of the trial can sound and light tips signals, to remind laboratory technicians to the end of the test.
Technical parameters:
1. Power supply voltage: AC220V ± 20V, 50Hz
2. Heating power: 1.8kW
3. Temperature adjusting range: 0 ~ 200 ℃
4. Temperature control point: 165 ° C
5. Temperature control accuracy: ± 0.1 ℃
Dimensions: 650 * 400 * 600
Weight: 10kg





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