顯示鍵盤 | 數碼管,綠色,字高33mm | |
ADC | 秤臺數量 | 1路 |
激勵電壓 | 5VDC | |
輸入信號范圍 | 0-19mV, 適用2mV/V 和 3mV/V傳感器 | |
認證精度 | CPA:6000e, 200000d | |
通訊接口 | 串口 | 標配2路串口:RS232+RS485 |
以太網 | 支持選件 | |
無線通訊 | WIFI(選件)/藍牙(選件) | |
PLC通訊 | MODBUS-RTU(標配) | |
USB | 無 | |
I/O(輸入/輸出) | INX1/OUTX3(選件) | |
數據保存 | 不支持打印保存 | |
防爆 | 隔爆 | 無 |
本安防爆 | 無 | |
典型應用 | 臺秤/平臺秤/叉車秤 |
力固工業股份有限公司成立于1978年3月,設廠于中國臺灣省桃園縣中壢工業區,專業制造工業用磅秤系統及工廠稱重計量自動化設備,產品遍布海內外。公司成立以來,在與各業界深入的交流及互動下,充分吸取了客戶的經驗和專業知識,并極力培養和訓練專業人才,為公司長遠發展奠定了堅強的基礎。公司擁有一批多年來專業從事電子衡器、工業自動化控制項目開發與生產的專業技術人才,以的設計能力和*的制造工藝研制,開發了各種粉體包裝秤、液體灌裝秤、重量檢測秤、電腦配料系統等機電一體化高科技產品,已在中國臺灣、大陸及東南亞地區各行業得到廣泛的應用。公司具備堅強的開發設計能力,擁有健全、高效的產品研發中心,以”高、精、尖 ”的稱重和包裝技術為研發方向,在發展的同時,也陸續成立了各地區深受信賴的分銷商及辦事處,形成全國性的營銷和服務網,使用戶感受到“力固”就在你身邊,期盼能為廣大客戶繼續提供更多更好的產品和服務,也期待能為中國的稱重計量技術貢獻一份心力。Li Gu Weighing Industrial Co., Ltd. wasestablished in March 1978 which located in JhongliIndustrial Park, Taoyuan County, Taiwan.Specializing in the manufacture of industrial weighing scale and factoryweighing automation system and sold all over the world. Since the establishmentof the company, with the exchange and interactive of various industries, fullyabsorb the customer's experience and knowledge, and strive to train and training professionals for the company's long-term developmenthas laid a strong foundation.We have a group of professional and technicalpersonnel, who specialized in electronic weighing, industrial automation andcontrol project development and production. Withexcellent design capabilities and advanced manufacturing technology to researchand development, we has developed a variety of mechanical integration of high-techproducts such as packaging scales, filling machine, check weighing scales andcomputer batching systems. Which have been widely used in various industries In Taiwan, mainland Chinaand Southeast Asia.We havestrong development and design capabilities, with perfect and efficient productdevelopment center, with “ high - refined - sharp ” weighing and packagingtechnology for the development direction. At the same time, we have also set upreputable distributors and offices in all regions to form a national marketingand service network to let users feel " Li Gu " on your side. We lookforward to continue to provide our customers more and better products andservices, but also look forward to contributing to China's Weighing technology efforts.