海洋光學研發了一種低成本,高性能的基于 CMOS(互補金屬氧化物半導體)傳感器的光譜儀。該光譜儀特別適宜于嵌入 OEM 設備中。雖然STS的體積很小,只有40mm x 42mm x 24mm,但是它的功能表現絲毫不遜于大型系統。主要特色:低雜散光的全光譜分析、高信噪比1500:1)和典型1.5納米 (FWHM) 光學分辨率。STS 是可見-近紅外光譜應用的理想選擇,諸如對 LED 的光譜光度及顏色測量和樣品的透射、吸收測量。并且它還是 OEM 應用的理想選擇,特別是需要在線監視一條或多條光譜線,又需要高重復性、穩定性的結果的應用環境中。
STS微型光纖光譜儀有350-800納米和650-1100納米兩種標準配置。大批量的 OEM 客戶還能自訂波長范圍,入射孔徑和其他光學配件。與其他微型光譜儀不同的是,STS 自帶有內嵌的光閘以實現暗背景測量。單獨定價的操作軟件提供了包括光閘控制等的光譜采集與分析功能。客戶也可以根據需要來訂制 STS 操作軟件。
STS微型光纖光譜儀的核心是一個1024像素的 CMOS 探測器,它位于一個交叉結構的 Czerny Turner 光具座內。該光具座的不同之處在于其特別設計的準直鏡和聚焦鏡,以及每毫米600條刻線密度的光柵。其光學設計和*的 CMOS 探測器提升了 STS 的性能,使之與昂貴的大型光譜儀相比毫不遜色。例如,STS 擁有14位 A/D,功耗僅為0.75w,通過定制的入射孔徑,能夠實現小于1.0納米(FWHM)的光學分辨率。 這也是 STS 如此吸引人的原因所在。
Our new STS Microspectrometer is a remarkably small CMOS-based unit that is less than 50 mm square and weighs just over 2 ounces.
This ultra-compact spectrometer is ideal for OEM devices and provides full spectral analysis with low stray light and high signal-to-noise ratio.
STS boasts optical resolution of ~1.5 nm (FWHM) and is particularly suited for high-intensity applications such as LED characterization and absorbance/transmission measurements.
STS meets or exceeds optical resolution, stability, sensitivity and other performance criteria associated with larger, more expensive spectrometers. Plus, its built-in shutter makes taking dark measurements more convenient.
OEM Ready
For OEM applications, the STS features a price that matches its size. We also provide volume discounts for OEMs who qualify.
Contact an Ocean Optics OEM Specialist for more details.
At a Glance
Physical | |
Dimensions: | 40 mm x 42 mm x 24 mm |
Weight: | 68 g (2.4 oz.) |
Detector | |
Type: | ELIS1024, 1024 pixel linear CMOS |
Range: | 200-1100 m (uncoated) |
Pixels/size: | 1024, 7.8 x 125 µm |
Spectroscopic | |
Wavelength range: | VIS (350-800 nm), NIR (650-1100 nm) |
Optical resolution: | 1.2-1.4 nm FWHM (w/15 µm slit) |
Signal-to-Noise ratio: | 2000:1 (maximum signal) |
A/D resolution: | 14 bits |
Dark noise: | <3 counts RMS |
Dynamic range: | 6x107 (system, 10s maximum integration) |
Integration time: | 1 ms - 10 s |
Corrected linearity: | 0.5% max deviation from best fit line (10-90% saturation) |
Max dark current: | 75 counts/second |