



  • 公司名稱江蘇一泉泵業有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       號
  • 所  在  地
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  • 更新時間2023/1/1 12:17:41
  • 訪問次數322

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  江蘇一泉泵業有限公司地處長江下游的靖江市新橋鎮,面江臨海,與蘇,錫,常隔江相望,江陰長江大橋,新長鐵路,寧通高速公路,廣靖高速公路交叉而過,溝通蘇南沿江的滬寧高速公路和沿江高速公路,具有*的交通和通訊條件。  Jiangsu Yiquan Pump Limited Compangy is located in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, Xinqiao Town,Jingjiang City.It faces the sea, and Su, Xi,Chang,Jiangyin Yangtze River Bridge,Xinchang Railway, Ningtong Expressway, Guangjing Expressway cross and communicates the Hu-Ning Expressway with the Riverside Expressway in the south of Jiangsu Province , it has excellent traffic and communication conditions.  江蘇一泉泵業有限公司是從事立,臥式,單,雙吸離心泵,石油化工泵和冶金行業等專業制造企業,公司集機械制造,冷熱加工,熔模鑄造,科研生產為一體。公司生產裝備,理化試驗,檢測手段齊全,擁有現代化的水泵性能測試中心,產品設計,過程控制采用計算機客理。公司主要產品有:IH型不銹鋼化工泵,CZ型標準化工泵,ZA型化工石油泵,SPP型化工混流泵,FY型液下泵,WFB型自控自吸泵,FJX型強制循環泵,AFB不銹鋼耐腐泵,UHB耐腐耐磨砂漿泵等。公司同時提供來圖,來樣定制加工。  Since its establishment, the company has been focusing on the construction of the project and the development of high and new technology. In the course of the development of the company, we can make full use of the scientific and technological advantages of the school and the advantage of talent. On the one hand, the scientific and technological achievements are converted to the actual engineering construction in a timely manner. On the other hand, new products are developed according to the needs of the project. After years of development, both in the construction of the project and in the development of new technology have made great achievements. With first-class technology, first-class products, first-class management and first class service, our company is enthusiastic to cooperate with all walks of life, design institutes and research institutes at home and abroad to provide better products for users.  公司奉行“一,用戶至上”的宗旨,堅持:以質量求生存,以品種求發展,以管理求效益”的指導思想,加快產品開發,做到“改進一步,研制一代,生產一代,儲備一代”,保證滿足用戶的需求及提供良好的服務,按照GB/T19001:94標準,建立了完善的質量體系,并通過了ISO9001質量體系認證。  Our Company adheres to the "quality first, users first" purpose, adhere to the quality of survival, variety development, guiding ideology to management for efficiency ", accelerating product development, achieing the" one step, the development of generation, production generation, reserve generation "to ensure to meet the needs of users and provide good service, in accordance with the GB/T19001:94 standard, has established a perfect quality control system, and passed the ISO9001 quality system certification.  公司自成立以來,一直把經營重點放在工程建設和*開發上。在公司發展過程中充分利用學校的科技優勢,人才優勢。一方面,及時地將科技成果轉化到工程建設實際中去。另一方面,根據工程需要,開發新產品。經過多年的發展,無論在工程建設上還是在新技術開發上都取得了不俗的成績。公司以的技術,的產品,的管理,的服務,熱忱與國內外各界同仁,設計院,研究院進行廣泛的技術與經貿合作,為用戶提供更好的產品。  Since its establishment, the company has been focusing on the construction of the project and the development of high and new technology. In the course of the development of the company, we can make full use of the scientific and technological advantages of the school and the advantage of talent. On the one hand, the scientific and technological achievements are converted to the actual engineering construction in a timely manner. On the other hand, new products are developed according to the needs of the project. After years of development, both in the construction of the project and in the development of new technology have made great achievements. With first-class technology, first-class products, first-class management and first class service, our company is enthusiastic to cooperate with all walks of life, design institutes and research institutes at home and abroad to provide better products for users.
FSB型氟塑料合金離心泵按國際標準設計,泵體采用金屬外殼內襯聚全氟乙丙烯(F46), 泵蓋、葉輪和軸套均用金屬嵌件外包氟塑料整體燒結壓制成型,軸封采用外裝式波紋管機械密封,靜環選用99%氧化鋁陶瓷或氮化硅,動環采用四氟填充材料,耐腐耐磨。...
FSB型氟塑料合金離心泵 產品信息


FSB型氟塑料合金離心泵按國際標準設計,泵體采用金屬外殼內襯聚全氟乙丙烯(F46), 泵蓋、葉輪和軸套均用金屬嵌件外包氟塑料整體燒結壓制成型,軸封采用外裝式波紋管機械密封,靜環選用99%氧化鋁陶瓷或氮化硅,動環采用四氟填充材料,耐腐耐磨,適用于輸送任何濃度的硫酸、鹽酸、醋酸、氫氟酸、硝酸、王水、強堿、強氧化劑、有機溶劑、還原劑等苛刻條件的強腐蝕性介質,是目前強耐腐蝕裝備之一。其具有結構緊湊合理、耐強腐蝕、密封性能嚴密可靠、工作穩定、噪聲低、機械強度高、不老化、無毒素分解、維修方便、流道光滑、效率高,節約能源等優點。杜絕跑、冒、滴、漏,廣泛應用于化工、制酸、制堿、冶煉、稀土、農藥、染料、醫藥、造紙、電鍍、電解、酸洗、無線電、化成箔、科研機構、國防工業等行業。 本司產品全部采用計算機設計和優化處理,公司擁有雄厚的技術力量、豐富的生產經驗和完善的檢測手段,從而保證產品質量的穩定可靠。




50FSB - 30D
50 – 吸入口直徑(mm)
FS – 過流部件材料為氟塑料
B – 單級單吸懸臂式離心泵
30 – 設計揚程(m)
D – 短支架聯接式


型  號 流 量 m3\h 揚 程(m) 口  徑 (mm) 功  率 (Kw) 轉 速
汽蝕 余量
效 率
進口 出口 電機功率
 25FSB-10 1.5 10 25 20 1.5 2900 6 29
 25FSB-18 3.6 18 25 20 2.2 2900 6 27
 25FSB-25 3.6 25 25 20 2.2 2900 6 27
 40FSB-15 5 15 40 32 3 2900 6 40
 40FSB-20 10 20 40 32 4 2900 6 42
 40FSB-30 10 30 40 32 4 2900 6 38
 40FSB-40 10 40 40 32 5.5 2900 5.5 35
 40FSB-50 10 50 40 32 7.5 2900 5 33
 50FSB-20 15 20 50 40 4 2900 6 51
 50FSB-25 15 25 50 40 4 2900 6 49
 50FSB-30 15 30 50 40 4 2900 6 44.5
 50FSB-40 15 40 50 32 5.5/7.5 2900 5.5 35
 50FSB-50 15 50 50 32 7.5/11 2900 5.5 33
 50FSB-63 15 63 50 32 11 2900 5.5 30
 65FSB-32 29 32 65 50 5.5 2900 6 57
 65FSB40 29 40 65 40 11 2900 5.5 53
 65FSB-50 29 50 65 40 15 2900 5.5 46
 65FSB-64 29 64 65 40 15/18.5 2900 5.5 44
 80FSB-20 50 20 80 65 5.5 2900 6 69
 80FSB-25 50 30 80 65 7.5 2900 5.5 64
 80FSB-30 50 34 80 65 11 2900 5.5 64
 80FSB-40 50 40 80 50 11/15 2900 5.5 60
 80FSB-50 50 50 80 50 15/18.5 2900 6 53
 80FSB-55 50 55 80 50 15/18.5 2900 5.5 47
 80FSB-55 50 80 80 50 30/37 2900 5.5 36
 100FSB-32 100 32 100 80 18.5/22 2900 5.5 70
 100FSB-40 100 40 100 80 18.5/22 2900 5.5 70
 100FSB-50 100 50 100 65 22/30 2900 5.5 62














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