冷凍干燥的基本原理是基于水的三態變化。水有固態、液態和氣態,三種狀態既可以相互轉換又可以共存。 當水在三相點(溫度為0.01℃,水蒸氣壓為610.5Pa)時,水、冰、水蒸氣三者可共存且相互平衡。在高真空狀態下,利用升華原理,使預先凍結的物料中的水分,不經過冰的融化,直接以冰態升華為水蒸汽被除去,從而達到冷凍干燥的目的。 凍干制品呈海綿狀、無干縮、復水性、含水分極少,相應包裝后可在常溫下長時間保存和運輸。 由于真空冷凍干燥具有其它干燥方法的優點,因此該技術問世以來越來越 受到人們的青睞,在醫藥、生物制品和食品方面的應用已日益廣泛。血清、菌種、中西醫藥等生物制品多為一些生物活性物質,真空冷凍干燥技術也為保存生物活性提供了良好的解決途徑。
□ 主要配置 Main configuration | ||
板層有效面積: Shelf effective area | 5m2 | |
板換 | 浙江峰煌 | |
開門方式 | 手動打開 | |
□ 設備規格 Specification | ||
有效板層尺寸: Shelf size | 1100mm × 1100mm | |
板層數目: Shelf numbers | 5+1(接觸式/輻射層) Top shelf as temperature compensating plate | |
托盤數量Number of pallets: | 24 | |
板層間距: Shelf spacing | 50 mm | |
板層溫度范圍: Shelf temperature range | -50℃~+80℃ (空載 no-load) | |
冷阱溫度: Min. condenser temp. | ≤ -60℃ (空載 no-load) | |
系統極限真空度: System final vacuum degree | ≤ 15Pa | |
捕水能力 Water-capture capability | 50Kg/BN | |
□ 基礎設施 Basic configuration | ||
裝機功率: installation Power | 24 KW ★ 此為裝機功率,并非運行功率。耗電<<19 KWh Not actual working power, power consumption<<19 KWh | |
冷卻水流量: Cooling water | 約15m3 / h About15 m3 / h | |
□ 機組外形及其他部分 Shape and other parts | ||
外形尺寸(mm): dimension | (約)長3800×寬1600×高2300 ★ 該尺寸為縱置式,也可依據用戶要求進行設計。 About 3800x1600x2300mm, L*W*H Longitudinal - located, customized design available | |
整機重量(Kg): Weight | (約)4500 About 4500 | |
噪聲: Noise | ≤ 80dB | |
機組電氣系統: Electrical system | 接地保護 Ground protection | |
凍干機的設計、制造、安裝標準: Design, production, installation standards | 按《藥品生產質量管理規范》、《藥品生產質量管理(GMP)實施指南》及GB/T522 6.1-1996標準等國家相關規定標準 As GMP ,GB/T522 6.1-1996 national standards | |
整套機組的驗證: Whole machine test | 檢測、驗證的資料、方案、方法,相應的儀器支持。 Test, checking data, method, and equipment support | |
□ 凍干箱組件 Drying chamber components | ||
箱體形狀: Shape |
Rectangular | |
內表面粗糙度: Roughness of inner wall | Ra ≤ 0.4 μm | |
凍干箱朝向: Direction of chamber | 潔凈室 cleaning room | |
箱門開啟方向: Opening direction | 順/逆時針開啟(俯視 用戶確定) Clockwise or anticlockwise (overlooking, user confirm) | |
箱體材料: Chamber material | AISI 304 不銹鋼 AISI 304 stainless steel | |
◆ | 箱門材料: Door material | AISI 304 不銹鋼(部分) AISI 304 stainless steel |
工作壓力: Working pressure | 常壓 | |
工作溫度: Working temperature | ≥ 80℃ | |
保溫材料: thermal insulation material | 聚氨脂發泡 polyurethane foam | |
凍干箱門觀察窗: Door observation window | 1 個 1 unit | |
凍干箱體觀察窗: Chamber Observation window | 1個(帶有照明燈) 1 unit (with light) | |
◆ | 箱體外裝飾: Chamber outside ornament | AISI 304 不銹鋼 AISI 304 |
□ 板層組件 Shelf components | ||
◆ | 板層面板材料: Shelf material | AISI 304不銹鋼/鋁合金氧化處理 ★ 上下面板鋼板厚度2 mm AISI 304 Top and bottom plate thickness 5mm |
◆ | 板層結構: Shelf structure | AISI 304不銹鋼(我公司技術的內焊法) |
表面粗糙度: Roughness of shelf | Ra ≤ 0.4 μm | |
板層平整度: Flatness | ≤ ±0.5mm / m | |
有效板層尺寸: Effective shelf size | ★1100 mm×1100 mm
| |
板層數目: Amount of shelf | 5+1 | |
板層有效面積: Effective area of shelf | 5.005m2 | |
◆ | 板層間距: Shelf spacing | 50 mm |
板層降溫速率: Temperature decreasing rate | +20℃降到-35℃/ 60分鐘內 (空載,硅油入口) +20℃ down to -40℃/ within 60 min, (no-load, entrance of silicon oil ) | |
板層升溫速率:Temperature elevating rate | -40℃升到+20℃/ 60分鐘內 (空載,硅油入口) -40℃ up to +20℃/ within 60 min, (no-load, entrance of silicon oil ) | |
◆ | 板層溫度: shelf lowest temperature | ≤ -50℃ (空載,硅油入口) (no-load, entrance of silicon oil ) |
板層溫度: Shelf highest temperature | ≥ +80℃ (空載,硅油入口) (no-load, entrance of silicon oil ) | |
板層溫差: Shelf temperature error | ≤ ±1℃(穩定后) ≤ ±1℃(in balance) | |
加熱功率:heating power | ≥6kw | |
電壓:Voltage | 三相Three phase electricity,220V±5% | |
頻率:frequency | 60Hz±2% | |
用處:Use | 用于食品冷凍干燥機For food freeze dryer | |
手推車:wheelbarrow | 配手推車一臺Equipped with a trolley | |
備件:spare part | 5%spare parts備件 | |
說明書:instructions | 英文說明書一份One English manual | |
□ 冷阱組件 Condenser components | ||
冷阱形狀: Condenser Shape | 矩形 ★ 結構緊湊、捕冰能力強、便于化霜、清洗 Vertical type, rectangular Compact structure, better water capture ,easy to clean and defrosting | |
◆ | 冷阱材料: Condenser material | AISI 304 不銹鋼 AISI 304 |
◆ | 盤管材料: Coiling pipe material | AISI 304 不銹鋼 AISI 304 |
盤管表面粗糙度: Coiling pipe roughness | Ra ≤ 0.6 μm | |
冷阱凝冰量: Condenser water capture | ≥ 80 Kg | |
冷阱降溫: Condenser temp. Decreasing | +20℃降到-35℃/ 60分鐘內 +20℃ to -40℃, within 30 minutes | |
◆ | 冷阱溫度: Condenser Min. temp. | ≤ -60℃ |
冷阱觀察窗: Condenser observation window | 有(帶有照明燈) Available (with light ) | |
工作壓力: Working pressure | 常壓 | |
除霜方式: Defrosting | 水淹沒/熱水噴淋 Water soaking | |
◆ | 保溫材料: thermal insulation material | 聚氨脂發泡 polyurethane foam |
□ 冷凍系統 Refrigeration system | ||
◆ | 冷凍機: Refrigerator
| 意大利富士豪 |
◆ | 制冷劑: Refrigerant | R507/R404A |
冷凍機數量: Refrigerator number | 1臺 1 sets | |
板層制冷: Shelf refrigeration | 1臺(同時對板層制冷,物料直接接式制冷) 1 sets (shelf refrigeration at same time, indirect | |
冷阱制冷: Condenser refrigeration | 1臺(同時對冷阱制冷,直接式制冷) 1 sets (shelf refrigeration at same time, direct refrigeration) | |
冷卻水: Cooling water | 15 M3 / h 冷凝器大冷噸、大貯液容積設計,允許水溫≤ 30℃。 15M3 / h Condenser with big capacity, water temp.≤ 30℃ | |
冷凍系統保護調節裝置: ★ 采用國際品牌的產品,精確、穩定、安全、可靠。 Freezing system protection devices: World famous devices are used to make sure correct, stable. Safe and reliable. |