▲ 模塊化可拆卸式結構設計,節省空間與清潔方便;
▲ 采用通用型PLC控制器,確保性能可靠,維護簡便;
▲ 采用*的控制算法,自主優化,自動調校補償及震動防止功能,保證配料精度;
▲ 標準機型最多可處理四種組份(六組份以上可定制);
▲ 彩色圖形式顯示,觸摸屏式操作,多種語言供你選擇;
▲ 具有配方存儲功能,最多可存儲100組以上配方;
▲ 分級安全密碼控制與報警歷史記錄功能;
▲ 控制器標準配置USB2.0接口,可將混料配比數據保存到U盤中,便于生產質量控制;
▲ 具備聲、光報警器,便于設備員快速準確的達到故障機器現場;
▲ 所有與原料接觸的部分都由不銹鋼材料制成,防止原料被污染;
▲ 可直接安裝在機器上或選配腳架安裝在機器旁(含氣動式卸料閥)。
▲ All parts accessible for easy cleaning;
▲ Suitable for processing up to four components simultaneously;
▲ PLC controller, reliable performance, convenient maintenance;
▲ Adopting advanced control algorithm, autonomous optimization, automatic calibration and shaking prevent function, ensure the best accuracy;
▲ Color chart shown, touch screen operation, three languages on-line switching;
▲ Up to 100 recipes can be stored for later use;
▲ Multilevel password protection and historical alarm record;
▲ USB2.0 interface for saving recipe data to flash disk, Facilitate the Quality Management;
▲ With sound and light alarm, facilitate operator quickly and accurately reach fault machine area;
▲ All raw material contact parts are made by stainless steel,prevent the materials being polluted;
▲ Can be directly mounted on the machine or optional feet frame installed in machine side.
▲ 料斗低料位警報開關;
▲ 吸料控制l/O模塊;
▲ 氣動式卸料閥(用于直接安裝機臺上方平臺或架子);
▲ 腳架、氣動式卸料閥、儲料桶及吸料盒(適用腳架安裝型);
▲ 以太網接口、MODBUS, PROFIBUS通訊模塊,可實現遠程監控,并與擠出機、注塑機等主機進行的數據交換。
▲ Hopper low material level alarm switch;
▲ Automatic loading control module;
▲ Pneumatic slide gate(Suitable for machine mount model);
▲ Floor stand, pneumatic slide gate, storage bin and suction box should be optionally purchased for floor mounting;
▲ Ethernet interface,MODBUS,PROFIBUS communication module, which can realize remote monitoring, or with extruder, injection molding machine to transfer data.