


袖珍比色計Pocket Colorimeter II

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  • 更新時間2022/10/11 10:10:18
  • 訪問次數159

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廈門儀邁環??萍加邢薰咀溆陲L景秀麗的海濱城市——鷺島廈門。儀邁環保是專業提供水質監測儀器及實驗室通用設備的環保代理商。公司員工由工作經驗豐富的高素質各類專業技術人員和管理人員組成,長期以來與廣大環境監測部門和科研院所進行技術協作和友好合作,擁有生產廠家的合作支持,和專業的檢測實驗室建立長久的合作,在國內檢測領域享有良好的聲譽和較大的影響力。目前擁有多個歐、美品牌的總代理及一級代理權,產品資源豐富,種類齊全,品牌包括:德國WTW,美國HACH,德國Merck, 英國百靈達,德國Sartorius, 德國Brand,美國Millipore,波蘭Radwag,瑞士萬通,美國Agilent等等,產品涵蓋計量儀器、實驗室通用儀器、化學分析、物性測試、生化測試等,如PH、DO、電導率、BOD、COD、TOC、氨氮、濁度、電子天平、熔點儀、水分儀、粘度計、移液系統、純水系統、酶標儀等,涉及從化工、食品、制藥、石化、涂料、電鍍、電力、水利到環境監測、農業殘留、商檢質檢、衛生防疫、水產養殖、大專院校以及科研機構等各行各業的各級實驗室。在此,謹對多年以來給予儀邁環保充分支持和信賴的各位客戶表示衷心的感謝!
袖珍比色計Pocket Colorimeter II
袖珍比色計Pocket Colorimeter II 產品信息
Product and Product Positioning Overview 

The new Pocket Colorimeter II is the next generation of pocket colorimeters with improved usability, functionality, and performance. The new product offers:
  • 43 unique pocket colorimeters;
  • 34 calibrated, method specific instruments and
  • a series of generic, user-calibrated models at nine different wavelengths.
The new single wavelength colorimeters offer:
  • an improved display with a backlight,
  • a menu driven user interface with range/method selection,
  • data storage and recall, and count down timer as well as
  • user calibration and standard adjust capabilities.
Utilizing the latest in optical technology, the range and precision of the pocket colorimeter has been improved.

Technical Information

The new pocket colorimeter has been redesigned to improve the durability, functionality and performance of the original Pocket Colorimeter. The new design offers a waterproof, IP67-rated enclosure that is rated for 30 minutes at 1 meter deep. The instrument is also capable of floating and has been designed to prevent the cap from being lost with an integrated lanyard.
A new optical design has been implemented to integrate the sample cell holder with the detector and pre amp. This has allowed for greater absorbance range from 1.00 Abs of the original pocket to up to 2.500 Abs. This will allow each new pocket to have a greater measuring range, improved resolution and combines methods such as high and low range into a single instrument.
The user interface for the new Pocket Colorimeter has been improved significantly to allow simple method use, user calibration and standard adjust, range/method selection and identification, and data storage and recall. This interface has been combined with a large LCD display with a backlight function for use in low light conditions.

Competitive Advantage

Besides offering the largest number of parameter specific single wavelength colorimeters, the new Hach Pocket Colorimeter II has three key advantages in colorimetric performance, instrument durability, and data management.
  • Performance – Hach’s hand held Pocket Colorimeter has the largest photometric range and best resolution. This allows users of the instrument an extended measuring range and improved precision at the lower end.
  • Durability – the new pocket colorimeter is designed with a waterproof, IP67-rated enclosure that allows the instrument to be used in any environment. The new design floats and has a rubber grip for improved handling in inclement weather.
  • Data Management – the new colorimeter has a data storage and recall feature that allows users to make multiple measurements in the field without the need for notebooks or pens.

Product Features and Benefits

The new Pocket Colorimeter II has many features and benefits including portability, ease of use, and advanced features.
  • Portable
    • Battery Powered
      • Battery Operated with 4AAA.
      • Battery life indicator
    • Small and Light
      • Small enough to fit into a pocket
      • A mere 8 ounces
    • Rugged and Waterproof
      • IP67 Rated – 1 meter for 30 minutes
      • Impact resistant industrial design for field use
    • Cap cord for instrument light shield – no more lost caps
    • Improved Display
      • High resolution LCD
      • Backlight for low light conditions
  • Ease of Use
    • Intuitive user interface with four button design
    • Range/Method indication – know at a glance which range or method operation is in
      • Chromium 0.0-0.7 (old 0.0-0.5)
      • Copper 0.0-5.0 (old 0.0-4.0)
      • Iron, TPTZ 0.0-1.80 (old 0.0-1.20)
  • Advanced Features
    • Accuracy and Range
      • LED Light source provides long lasting, accurate performance
      • Extended Range – instrument can measure samples up to 2.5 Abs
    • User Calibration
      • All pockets accept user calibration
      • Calibrate with up to 10 standards (minimum of 2)
    • Standard Calibration Adjust
      • Allows user to fine tune calibration based on specific sample conditions such as colored samples

Key message points

Based on the highly successful Pocket Colorimeter with enhanced features and superior performance at a competitive price
  • Data Storage and Recall to help users manage their data
  • Waterproof and Rugged for all weather, go-anywhere use
  • Improved optics for wider operating range, lower detection limit, and improved accuracy






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