They can handle many liquids with low lubricating characteristics at relatively high pressures. Flow remains constant over entire pressure range. Most models are self-priming (except procon 115B330F31XX and Procon 114B330F11XX). Metal-to-metal contact is eliminated, resulting in low starting torque. 303 stainless steel shaft, stainless steel rotors, and built-in relief valve. Pumps mount on NEMA 56C frame motors (adapter kit sold separately) for a coupling drive, or can be attached to a NEMA 48YZ motor with a V-band clamp. High-temperature plastic internal bypass valve eliminates the need for an external relief valve on all models except Procon 115B330F31XX and Procon 114B330F11XX. (Procon 102A100F11PA 250 and Procon 102A140F11PA 250 have internal solid-brass bypass valves. Brass and stainless steel also available on all other models; call your local branch. )
Uses: For pumping water and moderately aggressive liquids, carbonated water for beverage dispensers, ultra-filtration, deionized water, reverse osmosis systems, espresso coffee machines, lubrication spraying, insecticide spraying, soap dispensing, distilled water, fire-resistant fluids, hydraulic oil, steam cleaning machines with clean water, cooling circulation, pressure booster, atomizing/misting humidification systems, laboratory pumps, pilot plants, boiler feeds, textile machines, car wash machines, water purification, and fire jockey pumps.
Max. operating pressure: 200 psi
Max. fluid temperature: 150 DegreeF
Max. relief valve pressure: 250 psi
WARNING: Use only with nonflammable liquids compatible with pump component materials and in nonflammable/nonexplosive atmospheres.
California Proposition 65 Warning: This product contains a chemical known to the State of California to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm.
Rotary Vane Pump, Inlet/Outlet NPTF 3/8 In, 70 GPH, Relief Pressure Max 250 PSI, Stainless Steel Construction, Without Filter Strainer, External Relief Not Required, By-Pass, Carbonator Clamp Style Mounting, Max Temp 150 F, Built-In Relief Valve, Relief Valve PSI Setting 200, 303 Stainless Steel Shaft, GPH @ 50 PSI 72, @ 150 PSI 68, HP @ 50 PSI 1/4, @ 150 PSI 1/4, Min Flow 67 GPH, Max Flow 82 GPH
ItemRotary Vane Pump Inlet/Outlet NPTF (In.)3/8 Max. Flow (GPH)82 Min. Flow Rate (GPH)64 Relief Pressure Max. (PSI)250 Max. Pressure (PSI)200 Body MaterialStainless Steel External ReliefNot Required By-PassYes MountingCarbonator Clamp Style Max. Temp. (F)150 Built-InRelief Valve Relief Valve PSI Setting200 Shaft303 Stainless Steel GPH of Water @ 50 PSI72 GPH of Water @ 100 PSI70 GPH of Water @ 150 PSI68 GPH of Water @ 200 PSI66 GPH of Water @ 250 PSI64 HP @ 50 PSI1/4 HP @ 100 PSI1/4 HP @ 150 PSI1/4 HP @ 200 PSI1/3 HP @ 250 PSI1/2 GPH70 F.O.T./Berns Cross Ref.PA211 Weight2.50
江陰潤方貿易有限公司系專業環保設備供應商,由一批在進口流體設備等環保產品的銷售推廣領域工作了多年的專業人士合資建立,主要為客戶提供各類進口耐腐蝕泵.計量泵、組合加藥裝置、氣動隔膜泵、齒輪泵、螺桿泵、插桶泵.污泥脫水系統、干粉投加裝置及水質監測儀表等各類水處理專業設備。—我們將以寶貴的行業經驗和深厚的專業知識為基礎,秉持"客戶的需求就是我們的使命"之經營理念,本著服務與質量并重之原則,力求為客戶提供*上等的產品和*完善的售前售后服務。公司主要經營內容:1、廢水處理規劃,設計,施工及提供采用技術,國內生產的*配套設備。2、生產銷售采用微電腦技術設計生產的實驗室、工業用PH計系列產品,PH自動控制器及各類水處理儀器儀表。3、組裝生產型小量輕的定量加藥泵和攪拌機,可供客戶按不同需要選型。4、代理銷售各類環保相關設備和儀器儀表,提供環境保護咨詢。5、培訓現場操作人員。售后服務熱情,耐心,負責。公司主要產品:1. tescom regulators,美國tescom壓力調節器。2、中國臺灣塑寶耐酸堿泵。3、德國VERDER氣動隔膜泵。4、美國procon高壓旋轉葉片泵。5、筆式,攜帶式工業用PH計,實驗室用臺式PH計:6、PH(ORP),導電率在線控制器:7.COD,BOD,溶氧度計,殘余氯顯示器:8、各種流量計:9、定量加藥泵,手提泵:10、攪拌機11、污物渦流式不阻塞型沉水泵:12、單螺桿泵、繞線螺桿泵:
不銹鋼高壓水泵 產品信息