



  • 公司名稱廣州市萬通通風設備有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       號
  • 所  在  地
  • 廠商性質生產廠家
  • 更新時間2022/8/17 13:19:10
  • 訪問次數237

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 廣州市萬通通風設備有限公司地處經濟、交通、信息發達的珠三角中心城市——廣州市番禺區。是一家環保通風設備的專業制造商, 本公司專業生產玻璃鋼風機,廣東玻璃鋼風機,玻璃鋼酸霧凈化塔,防腐風機,廣東玻璃鋼離心風機,玻璃鋼軸流風機,凈化塔,塑料風機,玻璃鋼屋頂風機,斜流風機,廢氣處理工程,并承接各類型防腐風機安裝改造、防腐環保通風工程,UV光解環保工程

產品名稱:4-72C型不銹鋼離心式通風機產品簡介: 該系列風機采用不銹鋼板焊成蝸型殼體,進風口全部模具成型,風機的傳動方式為C式皮帶傳動。是一款高效率、高性能、低耗能環保風機。 產品用途: 可輸送含酸堿成分及化學成分的腐蝕性有毒氣體。產品優勢:該系列風機具有耐化學腐蝕、不易老化、機械振動小、噪音低、運轉平穩等特點。適用場合:廣泛應用于科研、化工、冶金、電子、醫藥、紡織、儀表、電鍍、......
不銹鋼離心風機 產品信息
  • 不銹鋼4-72C型離心通風機

  • Stainless steel 4-72C centrifugal fan

    Stainless steel 4-72C centrifugal fan can transport air and other non-self-igniting, harmless to the human body, non-corrosive to steel. No viscous substances are allowed in the gas, and the dust and hard particles contained in the gas are not more than 150 mg/m3. The gas temperature should not exceed 80 °C. The fan is widely used in industrial ventilation enterprises, large buildings, hotel restaurants and other indoor ventilation and smoke exhaust. Product type: The company has NO2.8, 3.2, 3.6, 4, 4.5, 5, 5.6, 6, 6.3, 7.1, 8, 10, 12 and thirteen. It can be made into two types: right-handed and left-handed. The impeller rotates clockwise and is called a right-handed fan. Expressed as "right", the impeller rotates counterclockwise, called the left-handed fan, and is represented by "left". The exit position of the fan is expressed by the air outlet angle of the casing. 4-72NO2.8-10 is made into various types at the factory, and can be installed to the required position according to the requirements of the unit of use. That is, the position of the air outlet is adjusted from 0° to 225°, and the interval is 22.5° or 45°, that is (0 There are six kinds of °, 45°, 90°, 135°, 180°, and 225°. NO7.1-10 is made into a direction angle according to user requirements. The fan is driven in the C mode. Structural features: The fan is mainly composed of impeller, casing, air inlet, frame, bearing box and other belt transmission. Impeller: consists of 10 rear-tilted airfoil blades, curved front discs and flat rear discs. After dynamic balance correction and aerodynamic performance, it has the characteristics of balanced operation, small vibration, high efficiency and long service life. Housing: welded with a steel plate into a volute casing. Air inlet: made into a whole (all mold molding), installed on the side of the fan, the axially parallel wear surface has no curved shape, which enables the gas to smoothly enter the impeller with less loss. Transmission group: from the main shaft, bearing housing, coupling and so on. The main shaft is made of high-quality steel. The overall structure of the bearing housing is made of rolling bearings and is divided into water-cooling and oil-cooling.
機 號
轉 速
功 率
Poles frame size-p
流 量
全 壓
Total pressure(pa)
2.8A 2600 0.75-2 Y80M-2 1174-1800 776-619
2200 0.37-2 Y71M-2 994-1522 556-443
1800 0.25-2 Y63M-2 813-1245 372-296
3.2 2600 1.1-2 Y80M-2 1753-2686 1015-808
2200 0.75-2 Y80M-2 1483-2273 726-579
1800 0.55-2 Y71M-2 1213-1860 486-387
3.6 2600 2.2-2 Y90L-2 2730-4085 1230-1009
2200 1.5-2 Y90S-2 2310-3434 881-723
1800 0.75-2 Y80M-2 1890-2810 590-483
4 2600 3.0-2 Y100L-2 4040-5345 1582-1384
2300 2.2-2 Y90L-2 3573-5491 1238-917
2000 1.5-2 Y90S-2 3107-4775 936-694
1700 1.1-2 Y80M-2 2641-4058 676-501
4.5A 2600 5.5-2 Y132S-2 5752-8839 2007-1486
2300 4.0-2 Y112M-2 5088-7819 1570-1163
2000 3.0-2 Y100M-2 4428-6788 1187-879
1700 2.2-2 Y90M-2 3761-5779 858-635
5 2600 11.0-2 Y160M-2 7938-12845 2527-1876
2300 7.5-2 Y132S-2 7022-11363 1978-1468
2000 5.5-2 Y132S-2 6106-9881 1495-1110
1700 3.0-2 Y100L-2 5190-8399 1080-802
5.6 2600 15.0-2 Y160M-2 9734-19466 3213-2035
2300 11.0-2 Y160M-2 8610-17220 2514-1593
2000 7.5-2 Y132S-2 7487-14974 1901-1204
1700 5.5-4 Y132S-4 6364-12728 1373-870
1400 3.0-4 Y100M-4 5242-10482 937-590
6 2240 15.0-2 Y160M-2 10314-20628 2734-1733
2000 11.0-2 Y160M-2 9209-18418 2176-1380
1800 7.5-4 Y132M-4 8288-16576 1790-1116
1600 5.5-4 Y132S-4 7367-14734 1689-881
1250 3.0-4 Y100L-4 5756-11511 846-537
1120 2.2-4 Y100L-4 5157-10314 679-431
900 1.5-4 Y90L-4 4144-8288 438-278
800 1.1-4 Y90S-4 3684-7367 346-220
6.3 2200 18.5-2 Y160L-2 15342-21474 2908-2303
1900 11.0-2 Y160M-2 13250-18546 2169-1718
1600 7.5-2 Y132S-2 11158-15618 1538-1218
1300 4.0-4 Y112M-4 9066-12689 1015-804
1000 2.2-4 Y100L-4 6793-9761 600-475
700 0.75-4 Y80M-4 4881-6833 294-233
7.1 1800 18.5-4 Y180M-4 15736-25265 2422-1801
1600 15.0-4 Y160L-4 13987-22635 1914-1423
1450 11.0-4 Y160M-4 12676-20513 1572-1168
1200 5.5-4 Y112M-4 10490-16976 1076-800
960 3.0-4 Y100L-4 8392-13581 689-512
700 1.5-4 Y160L-4 6119-9903 366-272
8 1800 30.0-2 Y200L-2 8392-13581 689-512
1800 37.0-2 Y200L-2 28105-36427 2920-2302
1600 22.0-2 Y180M-2 17463-22435 2478-2390
1600 30.0-2 Y160L-2 24982-32380 2303-1816
1250 11.0-4 Y160M-4 13643-25297 1507-1106
1120 7.5-4 Y132M-4 1224-15705 1209-1166
1120 11.0-4 Y60M-4 17487-22666 1124-887
1000 5.5-4 Y112M-4 10914-14022 963-929
1000 7.5-4 Y132M-4 15614-20237 895-707
900 4.0-4 Y112M-4 9823-12620 779-752
900 5.5-4 Y112M-4 14052-18213 725-572
800 3.0-4 Y100L-4 8732-16190 615-452
710 3.0-4 Y100L-4 7749-14368 485-356
10 1250 37.0-4 Y225S-4 34863-48797 2373-1877
1120 30.0-4 Y200L-4 31237-43722 1902-1505
1000 18.5-4 Y180M-4 27890-39038 1514-1199
900 15.0-4 Y160L-4 25101-35134 1225-970
800 11.0-4 Y160M-4 22312-31230 967-766
710 7.5-4 Y132M-4 19802-27717 791-603
630 5.5-4 Y112M-4 17571-24594 599-475
560 4.0-4 Y112M-4 15618-21861 473-375
12 1120 75.0-4 Y280S-4 53978-75552 2746-2172
1000 45.0-4 Y225M-4 48195-60397 2185-1969
1000 55.0-4 Y250M-4 63953-67457 1859-1729
900 37.0-6 Y250M-6 43375-60712 1767-1399
800 22.0-6 Y200L-6 38556-41973 1395-1376
800 30.0-6 Y225M-6 45391-53966 1321-1104
710 18.5-6 Y200L-6 34218-47895 1097-869
630 15.0-6 Y180L-6 30362-42498 863-684
560 7.5-6 Y160M-6 26989-29381 682-673
560 11.0-6 Y160L-6 31774-37776 646-540
500 7.5-6 Y160M-6 24097-33728 543-430

外形及安裝尺寸示意圖 Lnstallation size diagram

產品為人工實物測量會有一定誤差,相關數據僅作參考,以收到的實物為準。 單位Unit: mm(毫米)

機 號
進風口尺寸 Air inlet 出風口尺寸 Vent
NO D1 D2 D3 螺栓 個數 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 a*b c*d n1-d1
2.8 282 310 333 M6 8 228 259 286 200 228 260 64*4 77*3 14-Φ11
3.2 325 352 370 M6 8 255 286 313 218 247 280 74*4 84*3 14-Φ11
3.6 368 387 413 M8 16 294 324 352 250 278 310 81*4 70*4 16-Φ11
4 409 437 460 M8 16 329 360 388 285 315 340 72*5 79*4 18-Φ11
4.5 446 492 515 M8 16 363 395 422 320 348 380 78*5 88*4 18-Φ11
5 500 540 565 M8 16 405 435 464 356 384 416 109*4 97*4 18-Φ11
5.6 562 593 624 M8 16 450 497 531 370 422 485 80*6 88*5 18-Φ11
6 603 640 660 M8 16 483 532 563 427 478 508 106.4*5 95.6*5 20-Φ11
6.3 640 667 698 M8 16 494 542 566 441 485 509 108*5 97*5 20-Φ11
7.1 730 755 795 M8 16 568 621 662 497 554 593 125*5 110*5 20-Φ11
8 810 856 885 M10 16 640 700 746 560 625 669 140*5 125*5 20-Φ11
10 1000 1065 1095 M10 16 800 860 906 700 765 809 172*5 153*5 28-Φ12

外形及安裝尺寸 Shape and installation dimensions
Model G M F N K E L L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 N1-d1
2.8 477 600 210 350 197 174 700 470 438 970 898 890 14-Φ11
3.2 546 670 236 400 230 195 720 470 438 970 898 890 14-Φ11
3.6 599 752 253 450 253 222 760 470 438 970 898 890 16-Φ11
4 680 810 295 500 312 251 828 560 528 1080 958 990 18-Φ11
4.5 756 925 327 570 354 312 865 560 528 1080 958 990 18-Φ11
5 825 1040 343 625 354 354 1018 560 528 1080 958 990 18-Φ11
5.6 916 1130 384 680 390 394 1056 560 528 1080 958 990 18-Φ11
6 980 1210 408 745 420 385 1089 640 608 1080 1168 1200 20-Φ11
6.3 1017 1300 432 790 440 411 1154 640 608 1300 1168 1200 20-Φ11
7.1 1202 1450 522 880 798 500 1307 1170 1130 1730 1590 1630 20-Φ11
8 1286 1815 582 1080 565 284 1556 1420 1380 1780 1600 1680 20-Φ11
10 1589 2195 687 1300 700 350 1656 1550 1510 1880 1740 1780 28-Φ12






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