振動開關及振動變送器、傳感器 Vibration Transmitter / Sensors Vibration Monitoring Solutions Cooling tower vibration switches 卻塔振動開關 當發生過度振動時,冷卻塔振動開關觸發警報和/或關閉設備有多種選擇,從簡單的機械開關到“智能”開關。SPX冷卻技術提供以下開關類型,每種類型都具有不同的復雜程度,可幫助監測和保護冷卻塔部件免受振動的潛在破壞性影響。Cooling tower vibration switches trigger an alarm and/or shut down equipment when excessive vibration occurs. A variety of options are available, from simple mechanical switches to “smart” switches. SPX Cooling Technologies provides the following switch types, each with varying levels of sophistication, which can help monitor and protect cooling tower components from potentially destructive effects of vibration. Mechanical Vibration Switch 機械振動開關 機械振動開關是冷卻塔振動管理有效的選擇。然而,它往往是最不準確和最不可靠的選擇。機械開關包括一個慣性敏感機構,當振動超過規定的設定值時,該機構激活一個速動開關。當開關“跳閘”時,可以同時觸發警報并關閉設備。因為這些開關不收集數據,所以它們只能在振動事件發生時作出反應。在許多情況下,這對于防止故障已經太遲了;機械開關能防止的是對風塔的進一步損壞。The mechanical vibration switch is the most cost-effective option for cooling tower vibration management. However, it is often the least accurate and least reliable option. The mechanical switch comprises an inertia-sensitive mechanism that activates a snap-action switch if vibration exceeds a specified set point. The switch, when “tripped,” can simultaneously trigger an alert and shut down the equipment. Because these switches do not collect data, they are able only to react to a vibration event as it is occurring. In many cases this is too late to prevent a failure; the only thing the mechanical switch prevents is further damage to the tower. Electronic Vibration Switch 電子振動開關 電子振動開關 用于冷卻塔振動管理的電子振動開關比機械開關有幾個優點。電子開關利用固態壓電晶體在振動力變形時提供4-20毫安的電輸出。超過預設極限的振動會觸發警報,提醒操作人員檢查冷卻塔,并在故障發生前將其關閉。如果在操作員手動關閉風塔之前,振動超過第二個預設限值,則開關觸發固態繼電器自動關閉。機械和電子開關通常安裝在結構支撐梁上。另外,電子開關還提供了一個外部加速計選項,當安裝在變速箱外殼上時,可以提供更高的振動測量精度。The electronic vibration switch for cooling tower vibration management has several advantages over a mechanical switch. The electronic switch utilizes a solid-state piezoelectric crystal to provide a 4-20mA electrical output when deformed by vibration forces. Vibration that exceeds a preset limit triggers an alarm, alerting operators to inspect the cooling tower and shut it down before failure occurs. If vibration exceeds a second preset limit before operators manually shut down the tower, the switch triggers a solid-state relay for automatic shutdown. Both the mechanical and electronic switches typically are mounted on structural support beams. Alternately, the electronic switch offers an external accelerometer option which provides superior vibration measurement accuracy when mounted on the casing of the gearbox. “Smart” Vibration Switch “智能”振動開關 “智能”振動開關用于冷卻塔振動管理的“智能”振動開關提供了電子振動開關的許多優點。智能開關使用內置壓電加速度計測量振動。它占地面積小,外殼密封,可直接安裝在齒輪箱或軸承箱上,不需要額外的外部加速計。SPX提供的智能開關具有工廠編程設定值、啟動延遲和警報延遲計時器,特別針對冷卻塔振動保護進行了優化。The “smart” vibration switch for cooling tower vibration management offers many of the advantages of an electronic vibration switch. The smart switch measures vibration with an imbedded piezoelectric accelerometer. Its small footprint and hermetically sealed casing allow installation directly onto the gearbox or bearing housing and does not require an additional external accelerometer. Smart switches offered by SPX feature factory-programmed set points, start-up delays, and alarm delay timers specifically optimized for cooling tower vibration protection. |