Murphy EG和EGS系列電動式儀表 更精確、更耐用、更* MURPHY EG / EGS Series Electric Gauges Murphy EG21系列電動儀表和EGS21系列電動繼電式儀表以的技術和可靠的性能把工程機械專用儀表推向了一個新的高潮。Murphy's EG21 Series Electric Gage and the EGS21 Series Swichgage take the electric gage to new heights with proven state of the art technology and reliability. 技術更新改善了儀表照明、接線 及精確度 | 可適用于各種惡劣的環境:潮濕、高/低 溫、強腐蝕等 | 全密封的外殼設計 | 柔和的、防反光的刻度盤 | 符合SAE J1810標準 | 指針上裝有冷光二極管以增加夜間的可視度 | 采用防腐蝕材料制造 | 鏡帶設計,消除因視覺產生的讀數誤差. |  MURPHY EG / EGS Series Electric Gauges PDF中文技術選型資料 EGS21系列電動繼電式儀表在擁有EG21所有功能的基礎上,還增加了一套可調基點的“霍爾效應”開關輸出,可觸發報警或關閉機器。觸發值可在刻度的90%范圍 內進行調節,并可在儀表刻度盤上顯示。你不但擁有了電動式儀表安裝的簡便,還享受到了摩菲公司的繼電式儀表的可靠性。 尺寸圖: 特點: 操作反光鏡減少視差讀數誤差 可抗腐蝕不銹鋼邊框 聚碳酸酯透鏡密封 通過觸摸照明易于閱讀 照明指針是非常明顯的參考讀物 強聚酯(PBT)項目的情況進行防震空心運動 可容納3 / 4英寸(19毫米)厚的面板安裝。 開關設定點在儀表的背面 開關設定點指標清晰可見,反映規模 EG21系列電動式儀表和EGS21系列電動繼電式儀表以*的技術和可靠的性能 把工程機械專用儀表推向了一個新的高度。 規格 電源輸入(所有型號及傳感器):12V直流電源或24V直流電源。 外殼:聚酯(PBT),防撞擊、防水。 表框:拋光316不銹鋼;可另選黑色或SAE型。 鏡面:防紫外線,透明聚碳酸酯。 刻度盤:黑底,白色刻度(背光啟動后,刻度顯示為紅色); 雙刻度(℃、℉)顯示;鏡帶設計消除視覺誤差。 電 動 繼電式儀表傳感元件:霍爾效應;輸出接地信號(沉降輸出); 額定:300mA恒定電流(EGS21型); 壓力表、油位表、電壓表為遞減觸發,溫度表和電流表為遞增觸發; 飽和輸出電壓(輸出開關壓降):25℃時1.3-2.3V。 電動繼電式儀表觸發點指示器:在鏡帶上顯示; 可在儀表背面進行調節(用1/16 in.六角扳手調節)。 接線:插頭和引線,線徑:18AWG(1.0mm2),線長:8 in.(203mm)。 工作溫度:-40-185℉(-40-+85℃)。 存儲溫度:-77-185℉(-60-+85℃)。 過壓保護(儀表裝置):最多可承受200%標稱電壓5分鐘。符合SAE J1810標準。 極性反接(儀表裝置):在工作溫度范圍內,可無*承受極性反接。 環境測試:符合SAE J1810標準。   重要提示:EG21和EGS21系列儀表的標稱電壓均為12V。應用在24V系統中時,分壓電阻已經包含在線束內,所以在訂貨時,請明確指出系統電壓 傳感器ESP/ES2P Series Pressure Senders PRESSURE SENDERS  如何訂購EG系列儀表及EGS系列儀表  如何訂購EG傳感器  設備外安裝套件 該套件可用于單獨安裝ESPM、ES2PM、ESDPM型壓力傳感器于設備之外。 必須注意保護不要受到強烈震動而導致損壞。客戶自備軟管及接頭。 請在訂貨時注明部件號:30-00-0213 1) 不高于100 psi (689 kPa) [6.89 bar]。 2) 高于100 psi (689 kPa) [6.89 bar]。 3) 推薦安裝在設備之外。 4) 直螺紋,配合接頭螺母。 5) 無需單獨的接頭螺母。 提示:ES2T和ESDT型可選保護帽。 請注明部件號:00-00-3624。 油位傳感器僅用于油箱。 油箱深度范圍:6-24 in.(152-610 mm)。 電動繼電式儀表可調觸發點指示器 反射鏡帶 1-15/16 in.(49mm) 1-15/16 in. (49mm) 面板厚度 3/4 in.(19mm) (最厚) 調整和接線的空間 2-1/2 in.(64mm) 2-1/4 in. (57mm) 2-1/16 in.(52mm) 安裝孔直徑 插頭和引線 18 AWG(1.0mm2);長2 in. (203mm) 電動繼電式儀表觸發點調節 1/16 in.六角扳手 指針上裝有“冷光”二極管以增加夜間 的可視度 安裝架 壓力 ESP: 一線接地傳感器 ES2P: 兩線非接地傳感器 ESDP: 兩線非接地傳感器 可驅動2個儀表 溫度 EST: 一線接地傳感器 ES2T: 兩線非接地傳感器 ESDT: 兩線非接地傳感器 可驅動2個儀表 油位 ESF: 一線接地傳感器 ES2F: 兩線非接地傳感器 ESDF: 兩線非接地傳感器 可驅動2個儀表 壓力表80 psi (552 kPa) [5.52 bar] 100 psi (689 kPa) [6.89 bar] 200 psi (1.38 MPa) [13.80 bar] 300 psi (2.07 MPa) [20.70 bar] 400 psi (2.76 MPa) [27.60 bar] 溫度表250℉ (121℃) 300℉ (149℃) 油位表空 — 1/4 — 1/2 — 3/4 — 滿 電流表60 — 0 — 60A(內部分流)* 電壓表 12V系統: 8 — 18V * 24V系統: 16 — 36V * 不高于100 psi (689 kPa) [6.89 bar]。 量程 傳感器 壓力傳感器溫度傳感器油位傳感器 面板 主桿 浮體 測量對象 P = 壓力 T = 溫度 F = 油位 AM = 電流 VM = 電壓 基本型 EG21= 電動式儀表 EGS21= 電動繼電式儀表 量程 壓力表、溫度表、電流表、電壓表的值和單位 (如果不是psi和℉)。 表框 標準 = 拋光不銹鋼 A = 黑色,半拋光 B = SAE型,低處理不銹鋼 電池電壓 12 = 12V系統 24 = 24V系統 如何訂購EG傳感器如何訂購配件和替換零件 如何訂購EG系列儀表及EGS系列儀表 傳感器類型 空= 一線 2 = 兩線 D = 兩線,雙驅動 量程 螺紋尺寸 (僅溫度傳感器) X= 5/8-18 UNF 4) 1/8 = 1/8-27 NPT 5) 1/4 = 1/4-18 NPT 3/8 = 3/8-18 NPT 3/8B= 3/8-19 BSPT 1/2 = 1/2-14 NPT5) 1/2B= 1/2-14 BSPT 5/8 = 5/8-18 UNF 3/4 = 3/4-14 NPT 7/8 = 7/8-9 UNC M14= 14 mmx 1.5 M16= 16 mmx 1.5 M18= 18 mmx 1.5 M20= 20 mmx 1.5 M22= 22 mmx 1.5 M24= 24 mmx 1.5 P = 壓力 1) PM = 壓力2)和3) T = 溫度 F = 油位 提示:EG21和EGS21系列儀表的標稱電壓均為12V。應用在24V的系統中時,降壓電阻已包含在連接器總成內。 連接器總成 下表為所有接線/連接器總成的替換零件明細。電壓轉換器有24V和32V兩種。 請在訂貨時注明部件號。 訂購小容量配置請注意: 訂購小容量配置產品需要達到最少購買量。 EGS21 P – 100 – 12 12V系統 24V系統 EG21P/ T/F () EGS21P/ T/F () EG21AM () EGS21AM () EG21VM EGS21VM ES 2 T – 250/300 – 1/4 - FW Murphy ELECTRIC GAUGE & ELECTRIC SWICHGAGE電動表電感式儀表 murphy EG21T | EG21P | EG21F | EGS21F | EG21A | EG21V | EGS21V | ESP | ES2P | ESDP | EST | ES2T | ESDT| ESF| ES2F| ESDF| EG21系列電感式儀表 | FW Murphy ELECTRIC GAUGE & ELECTRIC SWICHGAGE電動表電感式儀表 + 中文資料下載  EG Series: The EG21 Series Electric Gage and the EGS21 Series SWICHGAGE take the electric gage to new heights with proven state of the art technology and reliability. Utilizing our proven EG Air Core movement design, the EG21 Series offers technological improvements in overall operation, lighting, accuracy in reading, wiring, and installation. The EG21 Series gives you assurance of highest reliability and service. These rugged gages are environmentally sealed and exceed the rigid SAE J1810 standard for reliability operation in tough off-road and power unit environments. Corrosion-resistant materials are used throughout, making the EG21 highly desirable for marine and other environmentally sensitive applications. Soft, non-glare dial and pointer illumination is provided by a “cold light” LED and when powered the white lettering and clear pointer become soft red. Mirror band eliminates parallax reading error when the pointer and its reflection are aligned. Easy to install, and fits standard 2-1/16 in. (52 mm) opening. The EGS21 Series SWICHGAGE has all of the features of the EG21 Series Gage plus an adjustable set point Power Hall Effect switch output for operating alarms or equipment shutdown. The trip point is adjustable over 90% of the scale and has a set point indicator visible from the gage face. Now you can have both, the ease of electric gage installation and the reliable switching of Murphy's famous SWICHGAGE. (.pdf file)
Pressure Gages for EG Series: EG21P Series Pressure Gage - Scales through 400 psi (2.76 MPa) [27.60 bar]. - Various units of measurement available. - Pressure sender. EGS21P Pressure SWICHGAGE - Similar to EG21P Series with adjustable switch output for operating alarms or shutdown.
Temperature Gages for EG Series: EG21T Temperature Gage - Dual-scale dials in degrees Fahrenheit and Celsius. - Two ranges available for: 100 to 250 degrees F (38 to 120 degrees C) or 140 to 300 degrees F (60 to 150 degrees C). - Suitable for engine coolant or oil temperature. - Temperature sender. EGS21T Temperature SWICHGAGE - Similar to EG21T with adjustable switch output.
Fuel Level Gage for EG Series: EG21F Series Fuel Level Gage - Monitors tank fuel level from full to empty. - Accurate level indication. - Float-actuated fuel level senders are available. - High visibility pointer. - Fuel sender. EGS21F Fuel Level SWICHGAGE - Similar to EG21F with adjustable switch output.
Ammeter Gage for EG Series: EG21A Series Ammeter - For +/- 60 amperes (internal shunt) or +/- 100 amperes (internal shunt). - Easy to read dial with center zero. EGS21A Ammeter SWICHGAGE - Similar to EG21A with adjustable switch output.
Voltmeter Gage for EG Series: EG21V Voltmeter - Available for 12 and 24 volt systems. - Easy to read dial. EGS21V Voltmeter SWICHGAGE - Similar to EG21V with adjustable switch output.
Senders for Electric Gages: Pressure Sender Three versions available. Specify pressure range for each sender. - ESP: 1-wire sender. - ES2P: 2-wire sender drives one gage. - ESDP: 2-wire sender drives two gages. Temperature Sender Three versions available. Specify temperature range and thread size. 130-250 degrees F / 140-300 degrees F (54-121 degrees C / 60-149 degrees C). - EST: 1-wire sender. - ES2T: 2-wire sender drives one gage. - ESDT: 2-wire sender drives two gages. Fuel Level Sender Three versions available. For use on tanks only. Tank depths 6 to 24 in. (152 to 610 mm). - ESF: 1-wire sender. - ES2F: 2-wire sender drives one gage. - ESDF: 2-wire sender drives two gages. Our EG(S)21 electric gauges, Swichgages and senders are found in applications requiring the highest levels of reliability and environmental protection. Standard gauges and Swichgages feature a shock resistance air core movement, a polyester (PBT) case and polycarbonate lens; every gauge in this line is environmentally sealed to exclude moisture and other corrosive elements. Also featured are a backlighted dial, easy installation and a standard fit for 2-1/16-inch (52 mm) openings. EG series – Electric gauges, Swichgages and ES resistive senders. EG Series – The electric gage and electric Swichgage instrument. EN204 Series – Four-function Tattletale Annunciator. See also:- CANdrive: J1939 CANbus to EG(S) series interface FuelCAN: resistive fuel level sender to J1939 interface Murphy EG系列電動式儀表 Murphy EGS21 Series Electric Switchgages Murphy EGS21 Series Electric Switchgage The Murphy EGS21 Series electric swichgage instrument has all of the features of the EG21 Series gauge plus an adjustable set point PowerHall Effect switch output for operating alarms or equipment shutdown. Murphy EGS21 Series Electric Swichgage Specifications CasePolyester (PBT), impact and weather resistant with screw-on mounting clamp BezelPolished 316 stainless steel standard LensClear polycarbonate and UV stabilized PublicationsMurphy EGS21 Series Data Sheet Murphy EGS21 Series Installation Sheet EGS21P-100-12-A () Item Guaranteed in Stock ELECTRIC PRESSURE SWICHGAGE (100 PSI, 12 VDC, BLACK BEZEL) EGS21T-250-12 () ELECTRIC TEMPERATURE SWICHGAGE (250°F, 12 VDC) EGS21F-12 () ELECTRIC FUEL SWICHGAGE (12 VDC) EGS21P-100-12 () ELECTRIC PRESSURE SWICHGAGE (100 PSI, 12 VDC) EGS21T-300-12-A () ELECTRIC TEMPERATURE SWICHGAGE (300°F, 12 VDC, BLACK BEZEL) EGS21T-300-24 () ELECTRIC TEMPERATURE SWICHGAGE (300°F, 24 VDC) EGS21P-200-24-A () ELECTRIC PRESSURE SWICHGAGE (200 PSI, 24 VDC, BLACK BEZEL) EGS21T-250-12-A () ELECTRIC TEMPERATURE SWICHGAGE (250°F, 12 VDC, BLACK BEZEL) EGS21P-100-24-A () ELECTRIC PRESSURE SWICHGAGE (100 PSI, 24 VDC, BLACK BEZEL) EGS21P-80-12 () ELECTRIC PRESSURE SWICHGAGE (80 PSI, 12 VDC) EGS21F-24-A () ELECTRIC FUEL SWICHGAGE (24 VDC, BLACK BEZEL) EGS21VM-24 () ELECTRIC VOLTMETER SWICHGAGE (24 VDC) EGS21T-300-12 () ELECTRIC TEMPERATURE SWICHGAGE (300°F, 12 VDC) EGS21P-100-12-B () ELECTRIC PRESSURE SWICHGAGE (100 PSI, 12 VDC, SAE BEZEL) EGS21P-100-24 () ELECTRIC PRESSURE SWICHGAGE (100 PSI, 24 VDC) EGS21P-200-24 () ELECTRIC PRESSURE SWICHGAGE (200 PSI, 24 VDC) EG21-VM-12-A () ELECTRIC GAGE (VOLTMETER, 12 VDC, BLACK BEZEL) EG21-VM-12 () ELECTRIC GAGE (VOLTMETER, 12 VDC, STAINLESS BEZEL) EGS21P-400-24 () ELECTRIC PRESSURE SWICHGAGE (400 PSI, 24 VDC) EGS21P-80-12-A () ELECTRIC PRESSURE SWICHGAGE (80 PSI, 12 VDC, BLACK BEZEL) EGS21T-250-12-B () ELECTRIC TEMPERATURE SWICHGAGE (250°F, 12 VDC, SAE BEZEL) EG21-F-12-A () ELECTRIC FUEL LEVEL GAGE - (12 VDC, BLACK BEZEL) EGS21P-400-12 () ELECTRIC PRESSURE SWICHGAGE (400 PSI, 12 VDC) EGS21P-300-12-A () ELECTRIC PRESSURE SWICHGAGE (300 PSI, 12 VDC, BLACK BEZEL) EGS21P-200-12 () ELECTRIC PRESSURE SWICHGAGE (200 PSI, 12 VDC) EG21-T-250-12-A () ELECTRIC TEMPERATURE GAGE - 250°F (12 VDC, BLACK BEZEL) EG21-PV-80-12-A () ELECTRIC PRESSURE GAGE - 80 PSI (9.5-182 OHMS SENDERS, 12 VDC, BLACK BEZEL) EGS21T-250-24 () ELECTRIC TEMPERATURE SWICHGAGE (250°F, 24 VDC) EGS21P-300-12 () ELECTRIC PRESSURE SWICHGAGE (300 PSI, 12 VDC) EGS21VM-12 () ELECTRIC VOLTMETER SWICHGAGE (12 VDC) EGS21F-24 () ELECTRIC FUEL SWICHGAGE (24 VDC) The EGS21 Series Swichgage instrument has all of the features of the EG21 Series Gage plus an adjustable set point Power Hall Effect switch output for operating alarms or equipment shutdown. The trip point is adjustable over 90 percent of the scale and has a set point indicator visible from the gage face. Now you can have both the ease of electric gage installation and the reliable switching of Murphy's famous Swichgage instrument. Specifications - Power Input: For Gage, Swichgage instrument and sender, 12 VDC or 24 VDC
- NOTE: EG21 Series gage and EGS21 Series Swichgage instrument MOVEMENT and ILLUMINATION require 12 VDC to function. For 24-volt systems, voltage converters are built into the electrical wire/connector assembly and supplied with the instrument. Specify voltage when ordering.
- Case: Polyester (PBT), impact and weather resistant with convenient screw-on mounting clamp
- Bezel: Polished 316 stainless steel bezel is supplied as standard; Available in black. SAE style optional.
- Lens: Clear polycarbonate and UV stabilized
- Air Core Movement: Silicon dampened pointer
- Dial: Black background and white markings; behind dial lighting (white marking becomes red when illuminated); dual scale with mirror band to reduce parallax reading errors
- Swichgage Instrument Sensor: Outputs ground signal (sinking output) rated 300 mA continuous (EGS21 Series only). Pressure, fuel, volts set on decreasing scale. Temperature and amps set on increasing scale.
- Output saturation voltage (voltage drop across switch): 1.3-2.3 Volts @ 77°F (25°C) (May require some conditioning to work with logic inputs)
- Swichgage Instrument Set Point Indicator: Visible on mirror band (scale); adjustable from the back of the unit (1/16 in. hex type wrench)
- Wiring: Plug connector with wire leads, 18 AWG (1.0 mm2) x 8 in. (203 mm) length
- Operating Temperature: -40° to 185°F (-40° to 85°C)
- Storage Temperature: -77° to 185°F (-60° to 85°C)
- Over Voltage (Gage Movement): Withstands a voltage of 200% of nominal system voltage for 5 minutes. (Meets SAE J1810 standards)
- Reversed Polarity (Gage Movement): Withstands reversed battery terminal polarity indefinitely within operating temperatures
- Environment and Test: Meets SAE J1810 standards
- EG/EGS Series
- Power Input: For Gage, Swichgage instrument and sender, 12 VDC or 24 VDC
- NOTE: EG21 Series gage and EGS21 Series Swichgage instrument MOVEMENT and ILLUMINATION require 12 VDC to function. For 24-volt systems, voltage converters are built into the electrical wire/connector assembly and supplied with instrument. Specify voltage when ordering.
- Case: Polyester (PBT), impact and weather resistant with convenient screw-on mounting clamp
- Bezel: Polished 316 stainless steel bezel is supplied as standard; Available in black. SAE style optional.
- Lens: Clear polycarbonate and UV stabilized
- Air Core Movement: Silicon dampened pointer
- Dial: Black background and white markings; behind dial lighting (white marking becomes red when illuminated); dual scale with mirror band to reduce parallax reading errors
- Swichgage Instrument Sensor: Outputs ground signal (sinking output) rated 300 mA continuous (EGS21 Series only). Pressure, fuel, volts set on decreasing scale. Temperature and amps set on increasing scale.
- Output saturation voltage (voltage drop across switch): 1.3-2.3 Volts @ 77°F (25°C) (May require some conditioning to work with logic inputs)
- Swichgage Instrument Set Point Indicator: Visible on mirror band (scale); adjustable from the back of the unit (1/16 in. hex type wrench)
- Wiring: Plug connector with wire leads, 18 AWG (1.0 mm2) x 8 in. (203 mm) length
- Operating Temperature: -40° to 185°F (-40° to 85°C)
- Storage Temperature: -77° to 185°F (-60° to 85°C)
- Over Voltage (Gage Movement): Withstands a voltage of 200% of nominal system voltage for 5 minutes. (Meets SAE J1810 standards)
- Reversed Polarity (Gage Movement): Withstands reversed battery terminal polarity indefinitely within operating temperatures
- Environment and Test: Meets SAE J1810 standards
- EN204 Series
- Operating Voltage: 12 VDC (10 V min. - 16 V max.).
- Current: 0.020 A to 0.025 A per LED.
- Output: Sink 0.275 A.
- Output Saturation Voltage: .7-1.1 V @ 25°C.
- Case and Screw-on Mounting Clamp: Polyester (PBT).
- Bezel: Bright stainless steel.
- Lens: Clear Polycarbonate, UV stabilized.
- Dial: Black background and white markings with four (4) Red LED indicators.
- Wiring: Plug connector with wire leads, 18 AWG (1.0 mm2) x 8 in. (203 mm) long.
- Operating Temperature: -40 to 185°F (-40 to +85°C).
- Storage Temperature: -76 to 185°F (-60 to 85°C).
- Shipping Weight: 0.5 lb. (226 g).
- Shipping Dimensions: 8 x 4 x 4-1/2 in. (203 x 102 x 114 mm).
- Electric Gauge Senders
- Fuel Senders
- Tank Cutout Hole: ? 1.750 in. (44 mm)
- Materials:
- Float: Foamed Buna N
- Float Arm: Stainless Steel
- Resistor Housing: Glass Filled Polyacetal
- Flange & Shaft: Steel, Zinc-Plated
- Gaskets: Buna N, 70 Durometer (48% Acrylonitrile)
- Hardware: Brass & Phosphor Bronze
- Mounting Hardware: Zinc-Plated Steel
- Resistance Range:
- ESF and ES2F Model: 240 Ohms to 33 Ohms
- ESDF Model: 120 ohms to 17 ohms
- Operating Temperature: -40° to 185°F (-40° to 85°C)
- Storage Temperature: -76° to 185°F (-60° to 85°C)
- Temperature Senders
For more information about this product, you can download the related literature here: - EG/EGS Series
- Sales Bulletin (95090)
- Sales Brochure (0610119)
- EN204 Series
- Electric Gauge Senders
- Fuel Sender Bulletin (1411577)
- Pressure Sender Bulletin (1411607)
- Temperature Sender Bulletin (1411608)
- US Sales Bulletin (95090)
- EU Sales Bulletin (ys6347)
- Sales Brochure (0610119)
- EU Sales Flyer (yc6525)
- Installation Instructions (00-02-0251)
- EG Series 3-D IGS File
Related Products: - ES Series Electric Gauge Senders
- ESPS & ESTS Series Senders and Switches