超濾膜是以壓力為推動力的膜分離技術,介于微濾和納濾之間,且三者無明顯分界線。一般的,額定孔徑范圍為0.005~0.1um,截流分子量在1000~300000之間,操作壓力在0.1~0.5MPa。其主要去除顆粒物、大分子有機物、細菌、病毒等.其具有工藝流程簡單、占地少、適合分散式處理、出水水質好(0.1NTU )、高效截留病原微生物的特點.超濾幾乎99%地對微生物截留,是效的去除“兩蟲”、除菌及病毒、除藻、除水蚤紅蟲等的方法。超濾能截留生物活性炭出水中的細微炭粒,防止其對微生物的保護作用,增加微生物安全性,保留水中原有的微量元素和礦物質。
超濾設備特點:Features of ultrafiltration equipment:
水泵采用品牌 Water pump adopts well-known brand
自動多路閥控制 Automatic multi-way valve control
The pretreatment tank can be supplied with SUS304 stainless steel or 10kg pressure resistant FRP or rubber-lined carbon steel
The pipe can be SUS304 stainless steel or food grade U-PVC
支持客戶定制不同機型Support customers to customize different models
The overall frame is welded with high-quality SUS304 square tube
面板采用優質SUS304制作The panel is made of high quality SUS304
超濾設備系統回收率高High recovery rate of ultrafiltration equipment system
設備內置全自動化運行狀態Built-in fully automated operation status of the equipment
Ultrafiltration membrane retains the original mineral trace elements in the water