


斯派超科技 薊管式分析鐵譜儀

  • 公司名稱上海人和科學儀器有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       號T2FM 500
  • 所  在  地
  • 廠商性質其他
  • 更新時間2021/6/10 9:26:45
  • 訪問次數328

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上海人和科學儀器有限公司十數年一直致力于提升中國實驗室生產力水平,從提供高品質的實驗室儀器、設備,到為客戶度身定制系統(tǒng)的實驗室整體解決方案,主營納米均質機連續(xù)感應流變儀.A臺式全自動折光儀.中近紅外汽柴油分析儀凈氣型儲藥柜智能型光照培養(yǎng)箱,鹽度自動折射儀,微型振動研磨儀等。通過專業(yè)、細致和全面的技術支持服務實現“為客戶創(chuàng)造更多價值”的承諾。人和自1992年成立以來,始終恪守“在競爭中創(chuàng)業(yè)、在變化中突破”的創(chuàng)業(yè)理念,以誠信的經營之道贏得客戶的信任,以過硬的技術水平贏得客戶的尊重和認可,在業(yè)內具有深遠的影響力,逐漸成為實驗室集成商*。自2004年以來,人和實現營業(yè)額1.5億元人民幣,服務客戶超過5000家,眾多世界五企皆已成為人和的忠實客戶。人和公司提供專業(yè)、優(yōu)質的實驗室整體解決方案:人和公司提供的不僅僅是單純的產品,而是集產品、應用和服務于一體的解決方案。實驗室系統(tǒng)是多技術層面的復雜系統(tǒng),除了實現實驗技術這個主要功能外,還涉及許多其它系統(tǒng),如水、電、氣、通風、管道、信息、真空、檢測報警、廢氣.(液、物)處理,危險品儲存、安全、消防等。人和公司技術人員不僅為您提供實驗室的整體設計和安裝,還從專業(yè)的角度出發(fā),結合儀器的使用要求,根據用戶需要,參考上較早的實驗室標準,對以上各系統(tǒng)進行整體規(guī)劃和設計,為您提供高水?準的實驗室解決方案。人和公司一直與供應商保持良好的合作關系,不斷引進各種優(yōu)質的實驗室產品。目前,人和公司主要經營歐、美、日實驗室儀器領域的*品牌產品,在市場上擁有優(yōu)勢份額,旗下產品種類十分齊全,如Buchi,Brookfield,IKA,Konica Minotla,ILMVAC,Millipore等,產品涵蓋計量儀器,實驗室通用儀器,化學分析,物理測試等儀器,如天平,滴定儀,水分儀,粘度計,攪拌器,烘箱,色差計,分光光度計,色譜等。涉及到石化,精細化工,制藥,日化,食品,涂料,建材,電子,汽車,農業(yè)等眾多生產行業(yè),以及高校,研究所等科研機構的實驗室。作為向實驗室、工業(yè)中分析、檢測方案的提供者,人和以其品質優(yōu)良、價格合理的儀器及專業(yè)產品,貼切的應用和周到的服務*詮釋著人和的承諾。人和公司憑借金蝶EAS系統(tǒng)和豐富的存貨管理經驗,建立了儀器物流中心,我們能夠保證良好的現貨率和流通率,為廣大客戶提供優(yōu)質的服務。展望將來,人和公司將會引進更多優(yōu)質的實驗室產品,并將更多專業(yè)的應用技術滲透到日常服務中去,更便捷、更周到地滿足客戶需求。對人和而言,滿足不同行業(yè)、不同應用、不同需求的用戶是我們孜孜以求的坐標和不斷超越的動力!在未來激烈多變的市場競爭中,人和將與客戶—起攜手并進,共創(chuàng)輝煌。Over the more than ten years, Shanghai Renhe Scientific lnstrument Co, Ltd. (“Renhe” ) hasbeen dedicating itself to improving the productivity of Chinese top level laboratories andachieving the commitment of"creating more value for customers”by providing professionaland comprehensive technical support services, from world-class lab instruments and equipmentto total lab solutions tailored to customer requirements.Since its founding in 1992,Renhe has always applied itself to the operational philosophies of“developing itself into competition and making breakthroughs amidst change"”, woncustomers'trust through creditable operations, obtained customers' respect through a hightechnological level, leveraged a far-reaching industry-wide influence and gradually become anexemplary lab integrator. Since 2004,Renhe has had an annual turnover of RMB 150 million andserved more than 5,000 customers. Among them, many Fortune 500 enterprises have becomeRenhe's loyal customers.Renhe offers professional, high-quality total lab solutions. It provides not only pure products,but also solutions integrating products, applications and service. Lab systems are complicatedsystems involving multiple technologies and besides the experimental technology systems, manyother systems are involved, e.g. water, electricity, gas, ventilation, pipe, information, vacuum,detection and alarm, handling of exhaust gas, waste liquid and waste, storage and safety ofdangerous articles, fire protection, etc. Renhe's technicians not only provide you the overalldesign and installation of your lab, but also make overall planning and design on all systems froma viewpoint of professionalism, based on the use requirements of instruments and user’s needsand in reference to international latest lab standard so as to provide you with world-class labsolutions.Renhe has maintained good partnerships with suppliers and continuously introduced variousquality lab products. Currently,Renhe mainly operates the top-class products of European, NorthAmerican and Japanese brands in the field of lab instruments and has an overwhelming marketshare.Lots kinds of product categories are available, such as Buchi, Brookfield, IKA, KonicaMinotla, ILMVAC, Millipore, BlNDER etc.The products cover measuring instruments, general-purpose instruments for lab, chemical analysis, physical test and other instruments, includingbalance, titrator,moisture tester, viscometer, stirrer, drying oven, color meter, spectrophotometer,chromatogram, etc.The products are applied to multiple production industries,such aspetrochemistry, fine chemical, pharmaceutical, daily-use chemical, food, painting, buildingmaterial, electronics, auto and agriculture as well as the labs of colleges, universities andscientific research institutes.As the provider of analysis and detection solutions for labs and industries,Renhe is honoring itscommitment through high-quality instruments and professional products at reasonable prices,perfect applications and considerate services.By leveraging Kingdee EAS system and rich inventory management experience, Renhe sets up itsInstrument Logistics Center. We can guarantee good availability and delivery to offer excellentservices for customers.Looking into the future, Renhe will introduce more high quality lab products, apply moreprofessional applied technologies to daily services and meet customer requirements more quicklyand considerately.For Renhe, meeting the different requirements of customers having differentapplications in different industries is its persistent target and driving force! ln complex marketcompetition, Renhe will create a bright future together with our customers.
Spectro Scientific 斯派超科技 薊管式分析鐵譜儀T2FM 500是一套完整的鐵譜分析系統(tǒng),用以分離和評定在用潤滑油、液壓油、冷卻液或燃油中的磨損顆粒和污染物顆粒,由薊管式制譜儀、顯微鏡、工業(yè)攝像頭、加熱盤(可選)和圖像采集軟件組成。
斯派超科技 薊管式分析鐵譜儀 產品信息



斯派超科技 薊管式分析鐵譜儀產品特性

  • 符合ASTM D7690標準

  • 提供標準磨粒圖譜

  • 高效分離油樣中的磨粒和污染物顆粒

  • 制譜過程不會造成磨粒變形

  • 操作簡單,制譜速度快

  • 磨粒分析范圍0-800um

  • 高磁場梯度,保證鐵質磨粒整齊排列,避免堆積現象

  • 所需溶劑少,無需外接壓縮空氣


斯派超科技 薊管式分析鐵譜儀主要功能

由于沒有進樣泵輸送油樣到譜片表面產生的時間延遲,T2FM 500制譜速度更快。T2FM 500可以將全部被測油液中的磨粒制備到譜片上,并通過控制清洗溶劑的流量和流速,對譜片進行沖洗。不會因為殘留油滴而出現分散暈,因此在顯微鏡下觀測磨粒時能夠得到清晰圖像。

我們使用雙色顯微鏡對T2FM 500制備的鐵譜片進行觀測和研究。顯微鏡配置了反射光源(紅色)和透射光源(綠色),在兩種光源的照射下,金屬顆粒反射光線,顯示為紅色;而非金屬顆粒透射光線,顯示為綠色。




46cm (長) x 32cm (寬) x 45cm (高)








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