about us
上海聲華聲學工程有限公司(上海聲華環保節能材料有限公司)是一家專注致力于觀演建筑領域及噪聲振動控制的專業性聲學工程技術公司,生產和經營各類聲學產品:超細無機纖維吸音噴涂系列,軟木減震塊,減震墊,隔音氈、隔音板,吸音板、隔音門等,同時承接建筑聲學裝飾及噪音治理、消音室、*室、 混響室等聲學安裝工程。
◆ 體育場館建筑聲學與裝飾設計
◆ 觀演建筑空間整體規劃和設計
◆ 高級酒店及醫院建筑整體聲學設計、顧問和咨詢
◆ 設計 施工 安裝:消聲室、隔聲室、測聽室、音效室等
◆ 家庭影院及視聽室的聲學及裝飾設計
◆ 廠房、辦公室、電梯井、冷卻塔、配電房的噪聲治理,賓館客房的隔聲處理
Shanghai Soundwel Acoustics Engineering Co.;Ltd Focus on envirnmental acoustics building acoustics. environmental noise and noise control , and then undertake acoustic installation . architectural acoustics decoration and muffler and quiet room etc,
“Soundwel acoustics. Focused on acoustic” We have a professional acoustic instrument acoustic technical team, experienced engineers.
“Honesty - Professional – patient- Service" constantly develop new technologies and new products, provide customers quality products and technical services.
Business Field
◆architectural acoustics design and decoration design of gymnasium
◆Theatrical building space planning and design
◆Senior hotel and hospital overall acoustic design, consultancy and advisory
◆Design and construction of the installation: anechoic chamber, soundproof room, audiometric room, sound room etc
◆Acoustics and the decoration design of high-end home theater and audio-visualroom
◆Noise control, office building, elevator well, cooling tower, power distribution room,sound insulation treatment of hotel room
◆Management and construction of comprehensive noise Entertainment
材質 | 礦棉 | 等級 | AAA |
抗彎強度 | 強 | 芯材 | 巖棉 |
形狀 | 纖維狀 |