



參考價 10
訂貨量 ≥1
  • 公司名稱江蘇春晨電纜有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       號
  • 所  在  地淮安市
  • 廠商性質生產廠家
  • 更新時間2017/7/2 7:32:09
  • 訪問次數642
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江蘇春晨電纜有限公司,是一家專注于計算機電纜,電機引接線,高壓電機引接線,JFEM電機引接線,JG電機引接線,扁電纜,硅橡膠電纜,高溫電纜產品和特種電纜產品研究、開發、生產及銷售的高科技企業,并在全國各地設有分支機構。公司技術和研發實力雄厚,公司自成立以來,始終堅持以人才為本、誠信立業的經營原則,薈萃*,將*進的信息技術、管理方法及企業經驗與國內企業的具體實際相結合,為企業提供*的解決方案,幫助企業提高管理水平和生產能力,使企業在激烈的市場競爭中始終保持競爭力,實現企業快速、穩定地發展。較好的產品、較好的服務、較好的信譽,也愿意成為您Z可信賴的*合作伙伴。公司主要產品,DJYVP計算機電纜,DJFPV計算機電纜,DJFFP計算機電纜,電機引接線,高壓電機引接線,JFEYH高壓電機引接線,JG電機引接線,JEM JFEM電機引接線,JXN電機引接線,JBQ電機引接線,扁電纜,YFFB扁電纜,YCB扁電纜,TVVB扁電纜,FDZ-YEYH風能電纜,太陽能電纜,起重機電纜,高溫電纜,控制電纜,電力電纜,DJFPV計算機電纜,DJFFP計算機電纜,DJYVP2,DJYVP3,DJYPV,DJYP2V,DJYP3V,DJYPVP,DJYP2VP2,聚乙烯絕緣對絞組銅帶分屏蔽及總屏蔽,公司以創新為先導、現代化企業為基礎、滿足用戶要求為根本宗旨,為客戶提供優質的產品。公司熱忱歡迎海內外朋友前來指導洽談。

FDES-25(-40) 450/750V 銅芯乙丙橡皮絕緣熱塑彈性體護套風力發電用(耐寒)耐扭曲軟電纜 ,FDES風能電纜
FDES風能電纜 產品信息

FDES-25(-40) 450/750V 銅芯乙丙橡皮絕緣熱塑彈性體護套風力發電用(耐寒)耐扭曲軟電纜 ,FDES風能電纜

Constitute the important part of the Internet - wire and cable also become essential things.

歷經十年刻苦攻關,一種利用有線電視網同軸電纜,實現高性能雙向信息傳輸的寬帶接入解決方案HINOC入網技術,日前由西安電子科技大學通信工程學院寬帶網絡與交換團隊成功研制。前不久,業界HINOC 2.0千兆SoC芯片亮相中國廣播電視信息網絡展覽會。據悉,HINOC2.0標準達到了*水平,對寬帶高速接入,即解決zui后一公里乃至zui后十米的高速通路問題提供了有力,對推動我國下一代廣播電視網的持續發展具有重要意義。

After ten years of painstaking research, use of a cable evision network coaxial cable broadband access, to achieve the high performance two-way information transmission solution for HINOC network technology, the day before by the Xi'an Electronic and Science University College of communication engineering of broadband network and Exchange team successfully developed. Not long ago, the industry's first HINOC 2000 trillion SoC chip debut China International Radio and evision information network exhibition. It is reported that, HINOC2.0 standard has reached the international advanced level, the high-speed broadband access, that is to solve the problem of the last mile highway and the last ten meters to provide strong technical support, has important significance to promote the sustainable development of radio and evision networks in China next generation.


"The use of HINOC technology and the indoor residential corridor has been installed, the distribution of CATV coaxial cable widely, without any modification of the home cable, you can build information access network of high-speed, two-way transmission to achieve a variety of high speed data service." Broadband network and Exchange team leader Professor Qiu Zhiliang said, HINOC broadband access technology for the last 100 meters, provides a new solution for convenient and practical, can provide gigabits per second (Gbps) level access rate.


"We have a joint R & D team from requirements analysis and architecture design, the research of the core algorithm, the project team completed a standardized HINOC, has developed a HI.0 and HINOC2.0 two generation HINOC solutions, single channel bandwidth upgrade from 16MHz to 128MHz, the access rate increased from 100Mbps to 1000Mbps (1Gbps), the main performance index to achieve even more than similar foreign products." Professor Zhang Bing, one of the project leader, said proudly.FDES風能電纜


From 2006 onwards, Xidian University College of communication engineering of broadband network and exchange with the relevant units of the joint team of science and technology, to independent innovation as the core, and the formation of the complete with independent inlectual property rights of the high performance coaxial cable broadband access network technology, HINOC, the project team began ten years of scientific research.


After the R & D team successfully developed the access rate HI.0 100Mbps chip, the international mainstream technology and China's broadband development strategy has been proposed to start the transition to the 1000Mbps transition.


It is reported that the current HINOC R & D team is actively promoting the industrialization of HINOC2.0 technology, HINOC2.0 has also been officially approved to enter the standardization process






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