熱油泵的機械密封的結構形式,主要根據摩擦副的數量、彈簧的數量、彈簧是否與介質接觸、彈簧運動或靜止、介質在密封斷面上造成的比壓大小、介質的泄漏方向等來加以區別。每種結構形式適用于一定的工作條件,在選擇機械密封的結構形式時,應考慮介質種類、溫度、壓力、轉速和軸徑等,還要考制造 和拆裝方便。
WRY series of high temperature heat conduction oil pump mechanical seal is a kind of device used to solve the seal between the rotating shaft and the body. It is by at least a pair of vertical on end surface of the axis of rotation in the fluid pressure and the compensation mechanism of elastic (or magnetic) and the effect of auxiliary seal with remain attached with relative sliding a device for preventing the leakage of fluid, commonly used in pumps, compressors, stirring kettle and other rotary fluid machinery, and can also be used to gear box, valves, rotary joint, ship tail shaft seal.
The hot oil pump mechanical seal structure, mainly on the basis of the friction number number pair, spring, spring is with medium contact, a spring, moving or static, medium in the sealing section caused by the pressure size, medium leakage direction to be distinguished. Each structure in the form of a certain working conditions, in the choice of mechanical seal structure, should take into account the type of medium, temperature, pressure, speed and shaft diameter, etc., but also to facilitate the manufacture and disassembly.
地 址:常州市武進區洛陽鎮虞橋章家頭50-1號(村委斜對面)
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: 876363125
郵 箱:WRY@vip.163.com
友情鏈接:武研熱油泵 www.wyryb。。com
2016.6.20 韓