High temperature centrifugal pump WRY series guide, Wujin Wuhan Research of centrifugal pump is mainly composed of shaft, shaft seal, impeller and seal rings etc.. Wujin centrifugal pump Kai pump before the pump shell to fill full of liquid, when prime mover drives the pump shaft and the impeller rotates, liquid moving along the circumference of the leaf rotation, on the one hand, under the action of centrifugal force from the impeller center periphery throw, liquid from the impeller won the pressure and speed. When the liquid is discharged through the liquid outlet port, the partial velocity can be changed into static pressure energy. In the liquid from the impeller out, the center of the impeller caused by low pressure area, and the pressure of the liquid level to form a pressure difference, so the liquid is constantly being inhaled, and to a certain pressure.
地 址:常州市武進區洛陽鎮虞橋章家頭50-1號(村委斜對面)
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友情鏈接:武研熱油泵 www.wyryb。。com
2016.6.16 韓