



  • 公司名稱深圳市扎克貿易有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       號
  • 所  在  地深圳市
  • 廠商性質其他
  • 更新時間2016/4/6 17:53:19
  • 訪問次數2094


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對于絕大多數產品我們都是歐美原廠直接采購 ,這樣可以繞開國外和國內多級代理商、辦事處以及經銷商,避免層層盤剝的模式,在保證*原廠*的基礎上,不僅提供給客戶*惠的價格,而且也能享受到Z短的貨期。而對于一些不太容易找到的歐美小品牌工業產品,原則上只要客戶能提供正確的產品型號,該產品如果還在繼續生產,那么我們可以幫助尋找并代為采購。目前和我司合作的歐美企業已達到3000多家。同時我們還是德國SELI、IPF、Siebert和MARTENS在中國的總代理,另外我們的優勢產品還包括APV、GEA、NEGELE、E L、KEIHIN等。可為客戶提供從技術咨詢、產品銷售、 到售后服務的全程服務。





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Mitrol has been founded in 1983 and its activity is the planning, the fabrication and the sale of electronic equipment for the government of machine tools.

Our typical customers are the constructors
mitrol 產品信息




Mitrol has been founded in 1983 and its activity is the planning, the fabrication and the sale of electronic equipment for the government of machine tools.

Our typical customers are the constructors of machine tools in these main applications:

  • Punching, perforating and cutting machines for section bars, angle bars and plates used in metallic carpentry
  • Injection presses for plastic
  • Robots for presses loading and unloading
  • Custom systems where special axes synchronization is required

As to metallic carpentry, Mitrol is the supplier of the world-wide leader.

As to plastic presses, Mitrol is the supplier of one of the greater Italian constructors.

The machine is compley managed by software, which runs in a Real Time multitasking environment on 32 bit RISC CPU based boards. Mitrol has projected both the CPU cards then the kernel of operating system "Mitos".

In the 1996 Mitrol integrated a PC in the numeric control, choosing Windows 95 as first operating system. It has then continued the upgrade as soon as Microsoft releases its new OS's, always maintaining a standard configuration. That has allowed to take advantage of all the performances and facilitations provided by Windows world: network logon, modem, Internet, remote assistance and development environments.

From the half of the 2001, Mitrol has started to develope a CanBus product line, with CanOpen protocol. This development regards both the devices, which all have one or more CanBus connections, then the necessary modules to connect to the CanBus several industrial automation devices: digital inputs and outputs, analogic inputs and outputs, thermocouples readers, axes drivers, etc.


 Sistema Pegaso PG1542

Sistema CNC e PLC con interfaccia CanBus ed EtherCAT

 Sistema Pegaso PG12S

Sistema CNC e PLC con interfaccia CanBus ed EtherCAT

 Sistema Pegaso PG1242P

Sistema CNC e PLC con interfaccia CanBus ed EtherCAT

 Sistema Pegaso PGB

Sistema CNC e PLC con interfaccia CanBus ed EtherCAT

 Sistema SR07S

Sistema PLC con interfaccia CanBus

 Sistema SR07SE

Sistema PLC con interfaccia CanBus e modulo di espansione I/O

 Sistema Tauro TR1242P

Sistema CNC e PLC con interfaccia CanBus, con LCD integrato

 Sistema Tauro TR12S

Sistema CNC e PLC con interfaccia CanBus, con LCD integrato

 Sistema Tauro TRBB

Sistema CNC e PLC con interfaccia CanBus, versione Black Box

 CDI20 module

CanBus module with 20 digital optocoupled inputs

 CDO202 module

CanBus module with 20 optocoupled digital power outputs

 CDB1208 module

CanBus module with 12 digital optocoupled inputs and 8 optocoupled digital power outputs

 CDB2020 module

CanBus module with 20 digital optocoupled inputs and 20 optocoupled digital power outputs

 CDB16V module

Modulo CanBus 16 ingressi e/o uscite digitali optodisaccoppiati

 CDI16V module

Modulo CanBus 16 ingressi digitali optodisaccoppiati

 CAI8 / CAI8P module

CanBus module with 8 analog inputs

 CAO8V module

CanBus module with 8 analog outputs

 CAB44 module

CanBus module with 4 analog inputs and 4 analog outputs

 CAB44V module

Modulo CanBus 4 ingressi analogici e 4 uscite analogiche

 CAX0100 module

CanBus module for reading 1 incremental optical encoder

 CAX0200 module

CanBus module for reading 2 incremental optical encoders

 CAX1122 module

CanBus module for closed loop axis control

 CVPOM module

Modulo CanBus per il pilotaggio diretto di solenoidi di valvole idrauliche

 CAX4120H module

Modulo CanBus controllo asse idraulico in anello chiuso con pilotaggio diretto delle bobine di potenza

 Modulo CPLA37AT

Modulo CanBus per l'interfacciamento a generatori plasma Hypertherm

 Modulo CPLA37ATHV

Modulo CanBus per l'interfacciamento ai generatori plasma (in modo particolare della marca Hypertherm)

 CTC08V module

Modulo CanBus 8 ingressi per termocoppie di tipo J e K

 CMG48 module

CanBus module with 48 standard connections: 20 digital input, 20 digital output, 4 analog input and 4 analog outpu

DSR07 - DSR12

Home automation control system

 DROOM module

Lights, roller shutters and room temperature controller module

 DTHERMO module

Electric radiant floor and radiant wall thermoregulation module

 DLIGHT module

Lighting control and 4 zones thermoregulation module

 DRELAY module

Relays outputs control module


Wall mount temperature sensor

Welcome to Mitrol S.r.l website

Mitrol S.r.l. since 1983, projects, makes and sells electronics for machine tools government.

To obtain more informations about us, please click here.

We invite you to visit our Products section, especially the CANBUS modules area.






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