英國斯派莎克spiraxsarco減壓閥,通過對同一主閥、不同型號異閥的多元化組合,可有效的控制蒸汽溫度和/或壓力。英國斯派莎克spiraxsarco減壓閥的設計制造*依據使用者的需求,其多元化的組合在工業界沒有任何其他的減壓閥可與之媲美。為了實現多目標控制設備的獨立性和經濟性,可在同一個主閥上組合多種控制,無論是溫度控制、壓力調節還是二者在一起,都能做到反應迅速、控制精確、安全可靠。 同時,25P系列減壓閥的所有零件均能夠分解檢查或保養,而無需移動管路中的主閥體。正確的選型和安裝保養,更能保證其**的工作。 工作原理 啟動前導閥彈簧處于自由狀態時,主閥和導閥處于關閉狀態。導閥有彈簧力作用打開,蒸汽經由導閥進入主隔膜室,一部分蒸汽則經由控制孔流出,當導閥流入的蒸汽大于由控制孔流出的蒸汽,主隔膜閥中的控制壓力增大,打開主閥。隨著蒸汽流過主閥,下游壓力的增量經由感應管反饋,作用在導閥隔膜下,平衡隔膜上部的彈簧壓力,使導閥組建關閉節流,維持主隔膜中的壓力,控制主閥開度輸送適量的蒸汽。調節導閥隔膜上的彈簧即可改變下游壓力。 主要特征 導閥彈簧:三種顏色的彈簧,可提供從0.2-14bar g范圍內不同壓力的準確控制。 溫度調節刻度盤:快速準確的設定所需溫度。 溫度感應器:在溫控元件中有無需補償的液體,感應瞬時溫度的變化,提供準確的控制。 的測試:每一個在出廠前都經蒸汽測試,以確保*的操作 Many reducing valve problems are caused by the presence of moisture or dirt. A steam separator and strainer with fine mesh screen, if fitted before the valve, will help to prevent such problems. The strainer is fitted on its side to prevent the body filling with water and to ensure that the full area of the screen is effective. Large isolation valves will also benefit from being installed on their side for the same reason. All upstream and downstream pipework and fittings must be adequay sized to ensure that the only appreciable pressure drop occurs across the reducing valve itself. If the isolating valves are the same size as the reducing valve connections, they will incur a larger pressure drop than if they are sized to match the correctly sized, larger diameters of the upstream and downstream pipework. If the downstream pipework or any connected plant is incapable of withstanding the maximum possible upstream pressure, then a safety valve or relief valve must be fitted on the downstream side. This valve should be set at, or below, the maximum allowable working pressure of the equipment, but with a sufficient margin above its normal operating pressure. It must be capable of handling the full volume of steam that could pass through the fully open reducing valve, at the maximum possible upstream pressure. Pilot operation also allows the reducing valve to be relatively compact compared to other valves of similar capacity and accuracy, and allows a variety of control options, such as on-off operation, dual pressure control, pressure and temperature control, pressure reducing and surplussing control, and remote manual adjustment. Three of these variations can be seen in Figure 7.3.6. Direct acting and pilot-operated control valves can be used to control either upstream or downstream pressures. Pressure maintaining valves (and surplussing valves) sense upstream pressure, while pressure reducing valves sense downstream pressure.
英國斯派莎克spiraxsarco在范圍有效地應用和控制蒸汽及其它多種工業流體,至今已有100多年的歷史。 斯派莎克公司歷史可追溯至1888年,1937年建址于英國,1959年斯派莎克集團公司在倫敦股票市場上市。作為蒸汽工程系統的世界前者,斯派莎克一直以*的知識為蒸汽使用者提 供*秀的服務和產品,從而迅速顯著地提高設備性能和系統效率,節約能源。一百多年來,斯派莎克公司以 較好的“知識、服務、產品”提供者的形象成為廣大蒸汽使用者的合適伙伴。 為提高設備瞎炮率,節約能源,必須從蒸汽系統中排除凝結水和空氣以及其它不凝性氣體且不泄漏蒸汽,并將 凝結水回收至鍋爐房。斯派莎克蒸汽疏水閥能為所有應用提供較好的選擇。蒸汽疏水閥運行性能的檢測系統則 進異步完善該系列。任何蒸汽疏水閥工作不正常都會引起問題。